Classification Benchmark Window

This window displays the results of a classification benchmark.

Depending on whether you generate a classification benchmark for all project classification settings or an individual classifier, the available options may differ.

Regardless of the document set selected, the classification benchmark results are displayed in a Result Matrix grid. Each class in your project is displayed, and the Assigned Class is compared to the classification benchmark result. Green results are successful classifications, red results mean that there are problems with a class, and yellow results indicate unclassified documents. The alignment in the grid indicates the Assigned Class, so the successful results always are displayed in the middle. Any other results are displayed off-center.

The following toolbar options are available:

Option Name and Description

Run Classification Benchmark icon

Perform Benchmark

Runs a classification benchmark using the selected settings.

Classification Benchmark Type icon

Use Project Classification

Toggles the entire project classification configuration on and off. When off, you can select a specific classifier instead.

Show Unclassified Documents in the Classification Benchmark icon


Adds an unclassified column to the Result Matrix so that you can see any unclassified documents in your selected document set.

Save Benchmark icon


Displays the Save Benchmark window so that you can save a benchmark and compare it at a later time.

Compare Classification Benchmark icon


Displays the Classification Benchmark Comparison window so that you can compare two saved benchmark files.

Classification Benchmark Info icon


Toggles additional information about your benchmark results. When enabled, basic statistical information is displayed to the right of the Result Matrix.

Zoom In icon

Zoom In

Increases the magnification of the current page in the Document Viewer.

Classification Benchmark Statistics icon


Displays a window that contains more detailed statistical data about the precision and recall of the classification benchmark.

Classification Benchmark Exceptions icon


Displays the Benchmark Exceptions window where you can configure exceptions to your classification results.

If you toggle off Use Project Classificationin the toolbar, the following options are available so that you can test an individual classifier.


Select a classifier in the list so that you can benchmark its specific settings.

Minimum confidence

Select the minimum confidence required to assign a classification result.

Minimum distance

Select the minimum distance between the best and the second best classification result.

You can also perform the following actions by right-clicking on a column in the Result Matrix:

Show in Selection

Highlights the documents in the selected content in the Selection document sent in the Documents window.

Show in Viewer

Displays the first document in the selected column in the Document Viewer. You can use the navigation buttons in the toolbar to navigate between all of the documents in this column.

Make Valid

Forces the documents in the selected column to be valid. The column color changes to green.

Make Unconfident

Changes the classification result for the selected column to Unconfident. The column color changes to yellow.

Clear Exceptions

If there are any classification exceptions configured for the selected column, clear these to view the classification result with no exceptions.