Project Tab

Use the Project tab on the Ribbon to manage project-specific functions.

Table 1. Options available in the File group
Option Name and Description

New Project icon

New Project

Opens the New Project window so that you can create a new project.

Open Project icon

Open Project

Enables you to browse to and open an existing project.

Save Project icon

Save Project

Saves all changes made to the open project.

Release Project icon

Release Project

Releases the project so that it can be used in Kofax TotalAgility.

Close Project icon

Close Project

Closes the current project and automatically saves any changes you made to the project.

Table 2. Options available in the Configuration group
Option Name and Description

Project Settings icon

Project Settings

Opens the Project Settings window so you can configure global settings for your project

Validate Project icon

Validate Project

Reviews the project and displays any project configuration errors so you can correct them.

Script Resources icon

Script Resources

Opens the Script Resources window so you can configure resources and their associated strings to be used in scripts. You can also translate these strings if your project is localized.

Script Variables icon

Script Variables

Opens the Script Variables window so you can configure variables and their associated values to be used in scripts. You can also translate these values if your project is localized.