View Tab

Table 1. Options Available in the Layout Group
Option Name and Description

Layout Default icon


Returns the Transformation Designer layout to its default layout.

Table 2. Options Available in the Windows Group
Option Name and Description

Project tree icon

Project Tree

Opens the Project Tree window. This option is selected by default.

Details icon


Opens the Details window. This option is selected by default.

Documents icon


Opens the Documents window. This option is selected by default.

Classification Results icon

Classification Results

Opens the Classification Results window.

Extraction Results icon

Extraction Results

Opens the Extraction Results window.

Document Viewer icon

Document Viewer

Opens the Document Viewer window.

Note Depending on what other properties or windows are open, this window may be in a different mode.

Script icon


Opens the Script Code window.

Classification Benchmark Window icon

Classification Benchmark

Opens the Classification Benchmark window.

Extraction Benchmark Window icon

Extraction Benchmark

Opens the Extraction Benchmark window.