Documents Tab

Use the Documents tab on the Ribbon to manage document sets, document subsets, and documents.

Table 1. Options Available in the Document Sets Group
Option Name and Description

Open Document Set icon


Displays the Open Document Set window where you can select the location and type of documents for a document set.

Reload Document Subset icon


Reloads the last saved state of the selected document subset and discards any unsaved changes.

Note The Selection document set cannot be reloaded and the New Samples can only be refreshed.

Close Document Set icon


Closes the selected document set so that it no longer appears in the list of document sets. The associated documents are not removed from their original location, and the document set is still available from the "Recent Documents" list.

Save Document Set icon

Save All Documents

Saves any changes made to the documents in the selected document set, including changes to modified document subsets.

Save icon

Save Selected Documents

Saves any changes made to the selected document set and corresponding document subset.

Download New Samples icon

Download New Samples

Downloads any documents marked for online learning into the New Samples document set.

Table 2. Options Available in the Document Subsets Group
Option Name and Description

Create Document Subset icon


Creates an empty document subset for the selected document set.

Add Documents icon

Add Documents

Opens a window so that you can select documents to add to the selected document subset.

Rename Document Subset icon


Displays a window where you can type a new name for the selected document subset.

Duplicate Document Subset icon


Makes a copy of the selected document subset and displays a window so that you can provide a name for the newly copied document subset.

Auto Clustering icon


Opens the Clustering window so that you can organize the selected documents into clusters or classes.

Delete Document Set icon


Deletes the selected document subset from the document set. The associated files are not removed from their physical location so they can be used in the future.

Table 3. Options Available in the Documents Group
Option Name and Description

Previous Document icon


Navigates to the previous document.

Next Document icon


Navigates to the next document.

Assign Class icon

Assign Class

Opens the Assign Class pane within the Documents window so that you can assign documents to a class.

Train for Classification icon

Train for Classification

Adds the selected document or documents to the Classification Set for the active class in the Project Tree.

Train for Extraction icon

Train for Extraction

Adds the selected document or documents to the Extraction Set for the active class in the Project Tree.

Edit Document icon

Edit Training Document

Opens the Edit Document window so that you can configure a document in your Extraction Set.

Edit Fields icon

Edit Fields

Opens the Edit Fields window to edit benchmark or test documents.

Delete Document icon


Removes the select documents from the document subset.

Show Document icon

Show Document

Opens the Document Viewer window and displays the selected document.