Standard Validation Properties Window

Use this window to define standard validation methods for single fields.


This group has the following options:

Check for minimum length

Select this option to specify the minimum number of characters allowed for the result. If an extracted result is shorter than the minimum length, the field is marked as invalid. This option is cleared by default.

When this option is selected, you can then specify the minimum number of allowed characters. The value for this option is set to 1 by default.

Check for maximum length

Select this option to specify the maximum number of characters allowed for the result. If the extracted result is longer than the maximum length, the field is marked as invalid. This option is cleared by default.

When this option is selected, you can specify the maximum number of allowed characters. The value for this option is set to 10 by default.

Restrict allowed character set

Select this option to specify only those characters allowed in the result. If a field contains characters other than the restricted set, it is marked invalid and needs to be reviewed by a Validation user. This option is cleared by default.

When this option is selected, you can type the expected characters in the extraction result for this field. The value for this option is set to empty by default.

Define not allowed characters

Select this option to specify characters that are not allowed in the result. If a result contains one of these characters, it is marked as invalid and needs to be reviewed by a Validation user. This option is cleared by default.

When this option is selected, you can type those characters that are not allowed in the extraction result for this field. The value for this option is set to empty by default.

Allow empty field

This option is only available if one of the other parameters in the "Options" group is selected. This option is cleared by default.

Select this option to allow an empty field to be valid. If this option is not selected, and a field is empty, it is marked as invalid.


Use this group to test the options set above by typing some sample text into the Sample input text field and clicking on the Validate button.

A message is displayed below the input field telling you that the entered text is valid, or explains why it is not valid.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.