Localization Fall Back Mechanism

In order to ensure that the entire process is accounted for when a project is localized, a fall back mechanism exists. For each field added, a default value is defined. If no localized version of that field is provided, the default value is used.

Kofax TotalAgility also enables you to define a primary language along with all necessary translations. One or more secondary languages are also allowed, and can override translations defined in the primary language. Elements that are not translated for the secondary language "fall back" and use the primary language translation. This means that secondary languages only need translations when they differ from the primary language.

For example, English (en) is the primary English language. You can also define secondary languages for American English (en-US) or British English (en-GB). Adding secondary languages means that you can specify different words or phrases that differ from one secondary language to the other. For example, American English uses "color," "localize," and "oriented," while British English uses "colour," "localise," and "orientated."

Similarly, German (de) is the primary German language. Secondary languages Germany German (de-DE) and Swiss German (de-CH) use many of the same words, so no secondary translations are required. However, in Germany, the word for "bicycle" is "Fahrrad," yet it is "Velo" in Switzerland. If a project processes invoices for bicycles in Switzerland, a secondary language translation for "Velo" is required, otherwise the default German translation is used.