Extraction, Language, and Countries

Several extraction methods depend on country-specific settings, such as the Date and Amount Formatters, and the group locators. For example, using a Date Formatter, you configure the date formats that are used on the processed documents, such as "12.4.2010" on European invoices and "04/12/2010" on American invoices. Similarly, an Amount Formatter defines the decimal point use on an invoice. German invoices use a comma (€12,34) while American invoices use a period ($12.34) as the decimal character.

Note Field formatting may also be applied during field validation. For example, you can apply field formatting when a user changes the value of a field in Validation.

The group locators retrieve and validate a set of invoice fields from the documents. For example, invoice date, order date, and total amount. As a result, the amount and date fields found on documents from different countries can have different formats and the calculation of fields. This is because the tax model for one country may differ from another country.

You can define country-specific settings by adding new countries to a project and by configuring its settings, such as the tax model, tax rates and rounding settings from the Project Settings - Country Settings tab. Additionally, you define the date and amount formats by adding Field Formatters from the Project Settings- Formatting tab.