Scripts on Project Class Level

At the project class level, you can add batch and application related events, all-purpose extraction scripts for field extraction and field validation methods, as well as all scripting related to Validation and Verification forms. The inserted script code is executed when you classify, extract and validate test documents. However, batch and application related events are not performed. In order to test those events you need to configure runtime script events in the hierarchical view of a test set and run the script code for a selected module.

You can add script code on project class level by following these steps:

  1. Select the project class in the Project Tree.
  2. Right-click the selected item, and click Show Script, to open the WinWrap Basic Script Editor. Alternatively, click Script Icon in the Details window caption.

    The Script Code window is displayed.

  3. Select the sheet for the project class level.

    This is the first sheet, or tab 1 on the left-hand side of the window. When tab 1 is selected, the window caption is set to Project – Script Code.

  4. Select the desired object in the Object list.

    At the project class level, the Object list contains all objects that are related to the batch handling, the document handling for documents before they are classified, and shared objects for formatting, validation, and document review.

  5. Select the appropriate procedure for the currently-selected object in the Proc list.

    At the project class level, the Proc list provides examples such as field formatting using the FormatField event, FormatDateField event and FormatDoubleField event.

  6. In the edit area of the Script window, insert the script code. Before you start scripting, make sure that you selected the correct tab.