Test Runtime Script Events

You can test application and batch related script events using the Configure window to simulate runtime and the events that are performed during processing. For more information about the events that are fired and the event sequence, see the Scripting Help.

You can test your runtime script events by following these steps:

  1. Open the Documents window if it is not already open.
  2. Select the test subset you want to use to test your script.
  3. Click Hierarchy View to show the hierarchical structure of your test documents that represents the batch.
  4. If needed, click Configure in theTest Runtime Script Events list to select the module and event you want to test.

    The Configure window is displayed.

    1. From the Module list, select the module that runs the script event.
    2. On the Event list, select the event you want to test.
    3. If you have selected the Batch_Close event you can distinguish the processing for various closing modes by selecting the corresponding mode from the Close Mode list.
    4. Click OK to store the configuration and close the window.
  5. Click Test RuntimeScript Events to perform the script code for the configured event.