User-Defined Columns

If the provided global columns are not sufficient for your needs, add your own columns to the column pool. Columns that you add become available when you create or update a table model.

When a new column is added, it is given an ID automatically. All user-defined IDs start at 20001 and are incremented each time a new column is added. If you delete a column, its ID is not reused unless it is the last column in the list.

For example, you add three user-defined columns with IDs 20001, 20002, 20003, respectively. If you delete the column with ID 20002, that ID is never reused. If you delete the column with ID 20003, the next column you add reuses that ID.

You can add as many user-defined columns as needed. You can also translate the column names so your project can be localized into other languages.

Important To use the automatic table detection to find data on invoices, use the default global columns. The automatic algorithm cannot calculate with user-defined columns.