What Locator to Use

When it comes to online learning, there are several different types of trainable locators to choose from, depending on your requirements.

For example, if you are processing invoices or purchase orders, it makes sense to use the trainable locators meant specifically for invoices. These include:

If you are processing non-invoices, you can use the Trainable Evaluator, the Text Content Locator or the Trainable Group Locator.

The Trainable Group Locator is better suited for numeric or alphanumeric values than pure alphabetical phrases.

The Text Content Locator requires a large training set, but can extract data from unstructured documents.

The Trainable Evaluator requires a small training set and trains quicker than the Text Content Locator.

So, if you are processing non-invoice, semi-structured documents and don't have a large set of training documents available, the Trainable Evaluator is the best choice. If however, you are processing unstructured documents, the Text Content Locator is the best choice, assuming that you have a large number of training documents.