Field Formatting
Field formatters are used to normalize and validate the format of information extracted from a document based on predefined formats. Field formatters can be used for simple fields as well as for table fields.
For a simple field, you assign one formatter to the field. For table fields, you assign a formatter to each column. For table fields, the formatter is processed for the cells in each detected table row.
A formatter reformats the extraction result for a field and assigns it to the field. Additionally, it sets property values for specific formatter fields as follows:
Double Value property for the Amount and Percentage Formatters
Date Value property for the Date Formatter
Both of the preceding properties are available for the Script Formatter. If the Boolean value of the field DoubleFormatted property is True, then the DoubleValue and/or DateValue properties can be used in scripts for calculations. This enables you to work with field values without being concerned about reformatting the field text.