Available Databases Pane

A list of databases, which are configured for the Kofax Search and Matching Server, is displayed. The list contains icons to the left of the database name to show the database type (text file Text icon or relational database Database icon) and the database status (activated Activated icon or deactivated Deactivated icon)

You can add a new database, rename and delete an existing inactive database, and set a database to active in order to be used within the Kofax Transformation Modules workflow. You can select multiple databases from the list in order to delete, activate or deactivate and to export them. For multiple selection databases that have an database status other than Ready or Error are ignored when performing the selected command.

You can use the following buttons:


Click Add Add icon to open a window so that you can type the name for the new fuzzy database and select the database type, either a delimited text file (csv) or a relational database.


Click Remove Delete icon to delete the selected database from the server. Note that you can delete a database only if it is deactivated so that it can no longer be accessed by a Kofax Transformation Modules workflow.


Click Rename Rename icon to change the name of a selected fuzzy database. To rename an activated database you have to deactivate it first.


Click Activate/Deactivate Activated icon or Deactivated icon to enable or disable a selected database for the access from a Kofax Transformation Modules workflow. The corresponding icon is displayed next to the database name to indicate whether a database is activated or deactivated. You can select multiple databases from the Available Databases list to activate or deactivate several databases at once. The menu is not available for databases that have a database status other than Ready or Error.


Click Export Export icon to export the settings for one or more databases and the corresponding fuzzy databases as a zip file. You can import an exported database to be used for another Kofax Search and Matching Server.

Note If you have selected a database that does not have the status Ready or Error, Export is not available.

Click Import Import icon to import one or more databases that are exported from another Kofax Search and Matching Server in order to move databases from one server to another, for example as a backup.

The following keyboard shortcuts are available:

Table 1. Shortcut keys for Kofax Search and Matching Server Administration
Shortcut Key Description
Ctrl + A If the focus is in the Available Databases list, it selects all available databases. If the focus is in the Most recent messagesarea on the Server Logging Report tab, it selects all log messages.
F2 Renames a selected database
F3 Adds a new database
F4 Activates or deactivates selected databases
F5 Refreshes the list of available databases
F7 Exports selected databases to a zip file.
F8 Imports databases from a zip file.
F10 Displays the Log On To Server window to connect to a server
F11 Disconnects from the server
Del Deletes selected databases.