Deprecated List
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::GetDynamicMatchQuality ([out] long *piMinDynamicQuality,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::SetMatchQualityEx
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::GetDynamicResult ([out] long *piResult,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::GetDetailResult
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::GetMatchQuality ([out] long *piMinDynamicQuality,[out] long *piMinStaticQuality,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::GetMatchQualityEx
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::GetStaticMatchQuality ([out] long *piMinStaticQuality,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::GetMatchQualityEx
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::GetStaticResult ([in] long iIndex,[out] long *piResult,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::GetDetailResult
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::SetDynamicMatchQuality ([in] long iMinDynamicQuality,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::SetMatchQualityEx
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::SetMatchQuality ([in] long iMinDynamicQuality,[in] long iMinStaticQuality,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::SetMatchQualityEx
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::SetStaticMatchQuality ([in] long iMinStaticQuality,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::SetMatchQualityEx
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPCompare::SetTicket ([in] ISPTicket *pTicket,[out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Note:
- Parameters:
pTicket [i] ticket result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
errors:- SPX_NOERR successfull completion
- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- SPX_MEMERR no more memory
- SPX_LICENSEERR license error
- Returns:
- automation result, S_OK: success, else automation error code
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPGuiAcqu::RegisterRect ([in, out] long *id,[in] long left,[in] long top,[in] long right,[in] long bottom,[in] long flags,[in] BSTR name,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPGuiAcqu::RegisterRect2
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPGuiAcqu::SetBackgroundImage ([in] SAFEARRAY(BYTE)*pszImage,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPGuiAcqu::AddBackgroundImage
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPGuiAcqu::SetTicket ([in] ISPTicket *pTicket,[out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Note:
- The ticket must be charged for SP_TICKET_CAPTURE
- Parameters:
pTicket [i] ticket result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
errors:- SPX_NOERR successfull completion
- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- SPX_MEMERR no more memory
- SPX_LICENSEERR License error
- Returns:
- automation result
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPImage::SetReference2 ([in] ISPReference *pReference,[in] long iIndex,[in] ISPTicket *pTicket,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPSignware::SetTicket and then call ACTIVESWLib::ISPImage::SetReference
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPImage::SetSignature2 ([in] ISPSignature *pSignature,[in] ISPTicket *pTicket,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPSignware::SetTicket and then call ACTIVESWLib::ISPImage::SetSignature
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPImage::SetTemplate2 ([in] ISPTemplate *pTemplate,[in] ISPTicket *pTicket,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPSignware::SetTicket and then call ACTIVESWLib::ISPImage::SetTemplate
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPReference::GetImage2 ([in] double dZoom,[in] long iImageFormat,[in] long iIndex,[in] ISPTicket *pTicket,[out] ISPFlatFile **ppImage,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPSignware::SetTicket and ACTIVESWLib::ISPReference::GetImage instead
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPSignature::SetTicket ([in] ISPTicket *pTicket,[out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Note:
- The usage must be SP_TICKET_RENDER
- Parameters:
pTicket [i] pointer to a charged ticket object result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
- Returns:
- 0: success, else error code
errors:- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- SPX_MEMERR Out of memory
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPSignware::GetBrowserTicket ([in] BSTR bstrRequestUrl,[in] ISPTicket *pTicket,[out] BSTR *pbstrTicket,[out, retval] long *pnResult)
- Please use a license key.
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPSignware::NeedTicket ([out] long *piNeedTicket,[out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Parameters:
piNeedTicket [o] pointer to a long, that will be filled with 0, if no ticket license is used, or 1 if a ticket license is used. result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
errors:- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- SPX_MEMERR no more memory
- Returns:
- automation result
- See also:
- SPSignwareNeedTicket
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPSignware::SetTicket ([in] ISPTicket *pTicket,[out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Parameters:
pTicket [i] ticket result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
errors:- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- SPX_MEMERR no more memory
- Returns:
- automation result
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPTablet::GetLCD ([out] long *piLCD,[out, retval] long *result)
- This function is replaced by ACTIVESWLib::ISPTablet::GetDisplayType
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPTablet::HasExternalLCD ([out] long *pbExternalLCD,[out, retval] long *result)
- This function is replaced by ACTIVESWLib::ISPTablet::GetDisplayType
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPTablet::SetLCD ([in] long iLCD,[out, retval] long *result)
- This function is replaced by ACTIVESWLib::ISPTablet::SetDisplayType
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPTablet::SetTicket ([in] ISPTicket *pTicket,[out, retval] long *result)
- Use ACTIVESWLib::ISPSignware::SetTicket instead
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPTicket::Charge ([out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Parameters:
result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
errors:- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- SPX_MEMERR no more memory
- SPX_LICENSEERR no license
- Returns:
- automation result
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPTicket::Create ([in] long usage,[in] long iCount,[in] BSTR bstrSession,[out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Parameters:
usage [i] intended usage for this ticket, see SPTicketAction iCount [i] number of requested tickets. Use GetCount() to query the number of granted tickets bstrSession [i] session identifier where applicable, else NULL result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
errors:- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- SPX_MEMERR no more memory
- SPX_LICENSEERR no license
- Returns:
- automation result
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPTicket::CreateFromFlatFile ([in] ISPFlatFile *pFlatFile,[out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Parameters:
pFlatFile [i] the flatfile representation of a ticket result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
errors:- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- SPX_MEMERR no more memory
- SPX_LICENSEERR no license
- Returns:
- automation result
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPTicket::GetCount ([out] long *plCount,[out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Parameters:
plCount [o] Pointer to a long that will be filled with the count result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
errors:- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- Returns:
- automation result
- Note:
- The returned count equals the requested ticket count if the ticket was not charged, and the granted count if the ticket was charged
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPTicket::GetSession ([out] BSTR *pbstrSession,[out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Parameters:
pbstrSession [o] Pointer to a long that will be filled with the session identifier result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
errors:- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- Returns:
- automation result
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPTicket::GetUsage ([out] long *plUsage,[out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Parameters:
plUsage [o] Pointer to a long that will be filled with the usage, see SPTicketAction. result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
errors:- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- Returns:
- automation result
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPTicket::SetCount ([in] long lCount,[out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Parameters:
lCount [i] the count result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
errors:- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- Returns:
- automation result
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPTicket::SetSession ([in] BSTR bstrSession,[out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Parameters:
bstrSession [i] the session identifier result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
errors:- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- Returns:
- automation result
- Global ACTIVESWLib::ISPTicket::SetUsage ([in] long lUsage,[out, retval] long *result)
- Please use a license key.
- Parameters:
lUsage [i] the usage, see SPTicketAction result [io] pointer to an long that will be filled with the SDK result, if the functions returns S_OK
errors:- SPX_PARAMERR invalid parameter
- Returns:
- automation result
- Patron format type 2 has been deprecated in ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015, please use SPX_FF_ISO_19794_7_2014 with SPX_FF_ISO_19785_3_NONE.
- Patron format type 3 has been deprecated in ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015, please use SPX_FF_ISO_19794_7_2014 with SPX_FF_ISO_19785_3_NONE.
- Patron format type 6 has been deprecated in ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015, please use SPX_FF_ISO_19794_7_2014 with SPX_FF_ISO_19785_3_NONE.
- Global ACTIVESWLib::SPX_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT2
- Patron format type 2 has been deprecated in ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015, please use SPX_FF_ISO_19794_7_2014 with SPX_FF_ISO_19785_3_NONE.
- Global ACTIVESWLib::SPX_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT3
- Patron format type 3 has been deprecated in ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015, please use SPX_FF_ISO_19794_7_2014 with SPX_FF_ISO_19785_3_NONE.
- Global ACTIVESWLib::SPX_FF_ISO_19785_3_FORMAT6
- Patron format type 6 has been deprecated in ISO/IEC 19785-3:2015, please use SPX_FF_ISO_19794_7_2014 with SPX_FF_ISO_19785_3_NONE.