ACTIVESWLib::ISPGuiAcqu Interface Reference
Detailed Description
SignWare Dynamic Development toolkit, ActiveX wrapper for SPGuiAcquInterface ISPGuiAcqu.Capture one or more signatures from a Tablet. SPGuiAcqu objects include a graphical representation to draw the vectors online while they are entered.
- Note:
- Registered event listeners persistence is bound to the lifetime of the ISPGuiAcqu object, independent of the native object.
Public Member Functions | |
HRESULT | Acquire ([out, retval] long *result) |
start tablet acquiry mode | |
HRESULT | AcquireDone ([in] long iResult,[out, retval] long *result) |
terminate tablet acquiry mode | |
HRESULT | AddBackgroundDocument ([in] BSTR description,[out, retval] long *result) |
Add a background document. | |
HRESULT | AddBackgroundDocumentFlatFile ([in] ISPFlatFile *description,[out, retval] long *result) |
Add a background document. | |
HRESULT | AddBackgroundImage ([in] BSTR description,[out, retval] long *result) |
Add a background image. | |
HRESULT | AddBackgroundImageFlatFile ([in] ISPFlatFile *description,[out, retval] long *result) |
Add a background image. | |
HRESULT | AddBackgroundObject ([in] BSTR description,[out, retval] long *result) |
Add images, (visible) rect and text field(s) that will be displayed in the background image. | |
HRESULT | AddBackgroundObjectFlatFile ([in] ISPFlatFile *description,[out, retval] long *result) |
Add images, (visible) rect and text field(s) that will be displayed in the background image. | |
HRESULT | AddBackgroundText ([in] BSTR description,[out, retval] long *result) |
Add a text field that will be displayed in the background image. | |
HRESULT | AddBackgroundTextFlatFile ([in] ISPFlatFile *description,[out, retval] long *result) |
Add a text field that will be displayed in the background image. | |
HRESULT | ClearEntries ([in] long iFlags,[out, retval] long *result) |
Clear all previously acquired input. | |
HRESULT | Connect ([in] long iDriver,[out, retval] long *result) |
connect to a tablet specified by iDriver | |
HRESULT | ConnectByAlias ([in] BSTR bstrTabletAlias,[out, retval] long *result) |
connect to a tablet by an Alias | |
HRESULT | ConnectByEnum ([in] ISPPropertyMap *spDescriptor,[out, retval] long *result) |
connect to a tablet by an enumeration | |
HRESULT | ConnectEx ([in] BSTR bstrTabletClass,[in] BSTR bstrConfig,[out, retval] long *result) |
connect to a tablet specified by iDriver | |
HRESULT | CreateGuiAcqu ([in] __int64 hwndParent,[out, retval] long *result) |
Create a SPGuiAcqu object (window). | |
HRESULT | CreateGuiAcqu32 ([in] __int32 hwndParent,[out, retval] long *result) |
Create a SPGuiAcqu object (window). | |
HRESULT | CreateInClient ([in] __int64 hwndChild,[in] __int64 hwndParent,[out, retval] long *result) |
Create a SPGuiAcqu object within an existing window. | |
HRESULT | CreateInClient32 ([in] __int32 hwndChild,[in] __int32 hwndParent,[out, retval] long *result) |
Create a SPGuiAcqu object within an existing window. | |
HRESULT | CreateTablet ([in] long iDriver,[out, retval] long *result) |
Create a tablet driver object. | |
HRESULT | CreateTabletByAlias ([in] BSTR bstrTabletAlias,[out, retval] long *result) |
create a tablet by an Alias | |
HRESULT | CreateTabletByEnum ([in] ISPPropertyMap *spDescriptor,[out, retval] long *result) |
create a tablet by an enumeration | |
HRESULT | CreateTabletEx ([in] BSTR bstrTabletClass,[in] BSTR bstrConfig,[out, retval] long *result) |
Create a tablet driver object. | |
HRESULT | Disconnect ([out, retval] long *result) |
disconnect from a tablet | |
HRESULT | GetBackgroundColor ([out] long *piColor,[out, retval] long *result) |
Get the background color of this SPGuiAcqu object. | |
HRESULT | GetBackgroundImage ([in] long iSource,[out] ISPImage **ppImage,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the background image as it is displayed on the tablet or the PC screen. | |
HRESULT | GetBackgroundText ([in] long iSource,[out] BSTR *pbstrText,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the background text as it is displayed on the tablet or the PC screen. | |
HRESULT | GetBoolProperty ([in] BSTR bstrName,[out] long *piValue,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query a property. | |
HRESULT | GetBorder ([out] long *piBorder,[out, retval] long *result) |
Get the size of the border in the SPGuiAcqu object [in screen pixel]. | |
HRESULT | GetDrawMode ([out] long *piMode,[out, retval] long *result) |
Get the draw mode in the SPGuiAcqu object [in screen pixel]. | |
HRESULT | GetForegroundColor ([out] long *piColor,[out, retval] long *result) |
Get the foreground color of this SPGuiAcqu object. | |
HRESULT | GetHwnd ([out] __int64 *pHwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
get the window handle of the window associated with the SPGuiAcqu object | |
HRESULT | GetHwnd32 ([out] __int32 *pHwnd,[out, retval] long *result) |
get the window handle of the window associated with the SPGuiAcqu object | |
HRESULT | GetHwndRect ([out] RECT *pRect,[out, retval] long *result) |
get the size of the SPGuiAcqu object window | |
HRESULT | GetHwndRectInt ([out] long *piLeft,[out] long *piTop,[out] long *piRight,[out] long *piBottom,[out, retval] long *result) |
get the size of the SPGuiAcqu object window | |
HRESULT | GetIntProperty ([in] BSTR bstrName,[out] long *piValue,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query a property. | |
HRESULT | GetReference ([out] ISPReference **ppReference,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the reference after a signature or reference signature acquiry. | |
HRESULT | GetSignature ([out] ISPSignature **ppSignature,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the signature during acquiry mode. | |
HRESULT | GetTablet ([out] ISPTablet **ppTablet,[out, retval] long *result) |
get the associated tablet data structure | |
HRESULT | GetTabletRect ([out] RECT *pRect,[out, retval] long *result) |
get the rectangle of the SPGuiAcqu object tablet window size | |
HRESULT | GetTabletRectInt ([out] long *piLeft,[out] long *piTop,[out] long *piRight,[out] long *piBottom,[out, retval] long *result) |
get the rectangle of the SPGuiAcqu object tablet window size | |
HRESULT | RegisterComponent ([in] __int64 hwndComponent,[out, retval] long *result) |
register a component in acquiry mode | |
HRESULT | RegisterComponent32 ([in] __int32 hwndComponent,[out, retval] long *result) |
register a component in acquiry mode | |
HRESULT | RegisterDocumentRect ([in] long aId,[in] BSTR strVirtualButtonDescription,[out, retval] long *result) |
Register a virtual button in a document. | |
HRESULT | RegisterRect ([in, out] long *id,[in] long left,[in] long top,[in] long right,[in] long bottom,[in] long flags,[in] BSTR name,[out, retval] long *result) |
register a rectangle in acquiry mode | |
HRESULT | RegisterRect2 ([in, out] long *id,[in] BSTR description,[out, retval] long *result) |
register a virtual button in acquiry mode | |
HRESULT | RegisterRect2FlatFile ([in, out] long *id,[in] ISPFlatFile *description,[out, retval] long *result) |
register a virtual button in acquiry mode | |
HRESULT | RemoveBackgroundObjects ([out, retval] long *result) |
Remove all images, (visible) rect and text field(s) from the background image. | |
HRESULT | SetActive ([in] long bActive,[out, retval] long *result) |
Activate / deactivate acquiory mode. | |
HRESULT | SetBackgroundColor ([in] long iColor,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the background color of this SPGuiAcqu object. | |
HRESULT | SetBackgroundImage ([in] SAFEARRAY(BYTE)*pszImage,[out, retval] long *result) |
Pass a background image. | |
HRESULT | SetBackgroundObjects ([in] ISPBackgroundObjects *pspBackgroundObjects,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the background object for the current tablet. | |
HRESULT | SetBoolProperty ([in] BSTR bstrName,[in] long iValue,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set a property. | |
HRESULT | SetBorder ([in] long iBorder,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the size of the border in the SPGuiAcqu object [in screen pixel]. | |
HRESULT | SetDocumentContent ([in] long aId,[in] SAFEARRAY(BYTE)*pContent,[in] long aFormat,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the content of a document. | |
HRESULT | SetDocumentContentFile ([in] long aId,[in] BSTR strFile,[in] long aFormat,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the content of a document. | |
HRESULT | SetDocumentContentFlatFile ([in] long aId,[in] ISPFlatFile *pContent,[in] long aFormat,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the content of a document. | |
HRESULT | SetDrawMode ([in] long iDrawMode,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the draw mode of a SPGuiAcqu object. | |
HRESULT | SetForegroundColor ([in] long iColor,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the foreground color of this SPGuiAcqu object. | |
HRESULT | SetIntProperty ([in] BSTR bstrName,[in] long iValue,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set a property. | |
HRESULT | SetTicket ([in] ISPTicket *pTicket,[out, retval] long *result) |
Pass charged ticket for a capture operation. | |
HRESULT | SetTimeout ([in] long iTimeout,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the timeout of an acquiry in a SPGuiAcqu object. | |
HRESULT | UnregisterAllComponents ([out, retval] long *result) |
unregister all components in acquiry mode | |
HRESULT | UnregisterAllRects ([out, retval] long *result) |
unregister all rectangles in acquiry mode | |
HRESULT | UnregisterComponent ([in] __int64 hwndComponent,[out, retval] long *result) |
unregister a component in acquiry mode | |
HRESULT | UnregisterComponent32 ([in] __int32 hwndComponent,[out, retval] long *result) |
unregister a component in acquiry mode | |
HRESULT | UnregisterRect ([in] long id,[out, retval] long *result) |
unregister a rectangle in acquiry mode |
Member Function Documentation
start tablet acquiry mode
terminate tablet acquiry mode
Add a background document.
Add a background document.
Add a background image.
Add a background image.
Add images, (visible) rect and text field(s) that will be displayed in the background image.
Add images, (visible) rect and text field(s) that will be displayed in the background image.
Add a text field that will be displayed in the background image.
Add a text field that will be displayed in the background image.
Clear all previously acquired input.
connect to a tablet specified by iDriver Please read Tablet creation options
connect to a tablet by an Alias Please read Tablet creation options for resolving the alias
connect to a tablet by an enumeration Please read Tablet creation options for enumerating tablets
connect to a tablet specified by iDriver Please read Tablet creation options for a list of supported options
Create a SPGuiAcqu object (window).
Create a SPGuiAcqu object (window).
Create a SPGuiAcqu object within an existing window.
Create a SPGuiAcqu object within an existing window.
Create a tablet driver object. Please read Tablet creation options
create a tablet by an Alias Please read Tablet creation options for resolving the alias
create a tablet by an enumeration Please read Tablet creation options for enumerating tablets
Create a tablet driver object. Please read Tablet creation options for a list of supported options
disconnect from a tablet
Get the background color of this SPGuiAcqu object.
Query the background image as it is displayed on the tablet or the PC screen.
Query the background text as it is displayed on the tablet or the PC screen.
Query a property.
Get the size of the border in the SPGuiAcqu object [in screen pixel].
Get the draw mode in the SPGuiAcqu object [in screen pixel].
Get the foreground color of this SPGuiAcqu object.
get the window handle of the window associated with the SPGuiAcqu object
get the window handle of the window associated with the SPGuiAcqu object
get the size of the SPGuiAcqu object window
get the size of the SPGuiAcqu object window
Query a property.
Query the reference after a signature or reference signature acquiry.
Query the signature during acquiry mode.
get the associated tablet data structure
get the rectangle of the SPGuiAcqu object tablet window size
get the rectangle of the SPGuiAcqu object tablet window size
register a component in acquiry mode
register a component in acquiry mode
Register a virtual button in a document.
register a rectangle in acquiry mode
register a virtual button in acquiry mode
register a virtual button in acquiry mode
Remove all images, (visible) rect and text field(s) from the background image.
Activate / deactivate acquiory mode.
Set the background color of this SPGuiAcqu object.
Pass a background image.
Set the background object for the current tablet.
Set a property.
Set the size of the border in the SPGuiAcqu object [in screen pixel].
Set the content of a document.
Set the content of a document.
Set the content of a document.
Set the draw mode of a SPGuiAcqu object.
Set the foreground color of this SPGuiAcqu object.
Set a property.
Pass charged ticket for a capture operation.
Set the timeout of an acquiry in a SPGuiAcqu object.
unregister all components in acquiry mode
unregister all rectangles in acquiry mode
unregister a component in acquiry mode
unregister a component in acquiry mode
unregister a rectangle in acquiry mode
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