ACTIVESWLib::ISPSignature Interface Reference
Detailed Description
SignWare Dynamic Development toolkit, ActiveX wrapper for SPSignatureInterface ISPSignature.Signature container.
Public Member Functions | |
HRESULT | AddVector ([in] long iX,[in] long iY,[in] long iPress,[out, retval] long *result) |
Add a tablet vector to a valid signature structure. | |
HRESULT | AddVector2 ([in] long iX,[in] long iY,[in] long iPress,[in] long iTime,[out, retval] long *result) |
Add a tablet vector to a valid signature structure. | |
HRESULT | Check ([in] ISPPropertyMap *pParams,[out, retval] long *result) |
Check a signature. | |
HRESULT | ClearVectors ([out, retval] long *result) |
Clear the contents of the signature. | |
HRESULT | Clone ([out] ISPSignature **ppSignature,[out, retval] long *result) |
Clone a signature structure. | |
HRESULT | Create ([out, retval] long *result) |
Create an empty signature. | |
HRESULT | CreateFromAcquire ([in] ISPAcquire *pSPAcquire,[out, retval] long *result) |
get the current signature data structure during acquiry | |
HRESULT | CreateFromBioData ([in] ISPFlatFile *pBioData,[out, retval] long *result) |
Get the signature of a biodata object. | |
HRESULT | CreateFromFlatFile ([in] ISPFlatFile *pFlatFile,[out, retval] long *result) |
Load a signature from a flat file object. | |
HRESULT | CreateFromFlatFile3 ([in] ISPFlatFile *pFlatFile,[in] long iFlags,[out, retval] long *result) |
Load a signature from a flat file object. | |
HRESULT | CreateFromGuiAcqu ([in] ISPGuiAcqu *pSPGui,[out, retval] long *result) |
get the current signature data structure during acquiry | |
HRESULT | CreateFromGuiDisp ([in] ISPGuiDisp *pSPGui,[out, retval] long *result) |
get the signature associated with the SPGuiDisp object | |
HRESULT | CreateFromGuiDyn ([in] ISPGuiDyn *pSPGui,[out, retval] long *result) |
get the signature associated with the SPGuiDyn object | |
HRESULT | CreateFromReference ([in] ISPReference *pReference,[in] long iIndex,[out, retval] long *result) |
Create a new signature structure and initialize all device specific fields with values from a refrence structure. | |
HRESULT | CreateFromTablet ([in] ISPTablet *pTablet,[out, retval] long *result) |
Create a new signature structure and initialize all device specific fields with values from the selected tablet. | |
HRESULT | CreateFromTellerImage ([in] ISPTellerImage *pTellerImage,[out, retval] long *result) |
Get the signature of a teller image. | |
HRESULT | CreateFromTemplate ([in] ISPTemplate *pTemplate,[out, retval] long *result) |
Get the signature of a template. | |
HRESULT | GetComplexity ([out] long *plComplexity,[out, retval] long *result) |
Get the complexity of the signature in this object. | |
HRESULT | GetDevice ([out] long *piDevice,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the device from a signature. | |
HRESULT | GetImage ([in] double dZoom,[in] long iImageFormat,[out] ISPFlatFile **ppImage,[out, retval] long *result) |
Convert a signature to a standard image file format. | |
HRESULT | GetImageSize ([out] long *piWidth,[out] long *piHeight,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the image size of this signature object. | |
HRESULT | GetMaxPressure ([out] long *piMaxPressure,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the pressure range from a signature. | |
HRESULT | GetNrVectors ([out] long *piNrVectors,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the number of tablet vectors included in the signature. | |
HRESULT | GetPadSerial ([out] SAFEARRAY(BYTE)*psaPadSerial,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the tablet serial identification. | |
HRESULT | GetResolution ([out] long *piResolution,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the resolution from a signature. | |
HRESULT | GetSampleRate ([out] long *piSampleRate,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the Sample Rate from a signature. | |
HRESULT | GetTimeStamp ([out] long *piTimeStamp,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the timestamp from a signature. | |
HRESULT | GetVector ([in] long iIndex,[out] long *piX,[out] long *piY,[out] long *piPress,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the values of a vector included in the signature. | |
HRESULT | GetVector2 ([in] long iIndex,[out] long *piX,[out] long *piY,[out] long *piPress,[out] long *piTime,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the values of a vector included in the signature. | |
HRESULT | MirrorY ([out, retval] long *result) |
Mirror a signature vertically. | |
HRESULT | SetDevice ([in] long lDevice,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the device in a signature object. | |
HRESULT | SetMaxPressure ([in] long lMaxPressure,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the max pressure in a signature object. | |
HRESULT | SetPadSerial ([in] SAFEARRAY(BYTE)*psaPadSerial,[out, retval] long *result) |
Query the tablet serial identification. | |
HRESULT | SetResolution ([in] long lResolution,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the resolution in a signature object. | |
HRESULT | SetSampleRate ([in] long iSampleRate,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set (Overwrite) the Sample Rate of a signature. | |
HRESULT | SetStaticGrayAlias ([in] long lGrayAlias,[out, retval] long *result) |
Calculate gray levels in a static signature either from pressure levels of the vectors or from aliasing. | |
HRESULT | SetStaticPenWidth ([in] double dPenWidth,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the pen width for rendering the signature as a static image, default 0.5 mm. | |
HRESULT | SetTicket ([in] ISPTicket *pTicket,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set the ticket for rendering the signature. | |
HRESULT | SetTimeStamp ([in] long iTimeStamp,[out, retval] long *result) |
Set (Overwrite) the timestamp of a signature. | |
Data Fields | |
const BSTR | SPX_SIGNATURE_MIN_HEIGHT = L"SPSignatureMinHeight" |
Min signature height. | |
const BSTR | SPX_SIGNATURE_MIN_PRESSURE_LEVELS = L"SPSignatureMinPressureLevels" |
Min signature pressure levels. | |
const BSTR | SPX_SIGNATURE_MIN_STATIC_QUALITY = L"SPSignatureMinStaticQuality" |
Min static signature quality. | |
const BSTR | SPX_SIGNATURE_MIN_VECTORS = L"SPSignatureMinVectors" |
Min signature vectors (with pressure greater than 0). | |
const BSTR | SPX_SIGNATURE_MIN_WIDTH = L"SPSignatureMinWidth" |
Min signature width. |
Member Function Documentation
Add a tablet vector to a valid signature structure.
Add a tablet vector to a valid signature structure.
Check a signature. Signature plausability check. A signature should exceed a certain size and contain a pressure level range.
Clear the contents of the signature.
Clone a signature structure.
Create an empty signature.
get the current signature data structure during acquiry
Get the signature of a biodata object.
Load a signature from a flat file object. This function deserializes an SPSignature object serialized by ISPFlatFile::CreateFromSignature. CreateFromFlatFile() is equivalent to CreateFromFlatFile3() with a value of zero for iFlags unless overridden by environment variable SIGNWARE_ISO_LOAD. The value of that environment variable is either a decimal number or a hexadecimal number (prefixed by "0x"). The number will be shifted left 20 bits, that is, the following values (and combinations thereof) are defined:
Load a signature from a flat file object. This function deserializes an SPSignature object serialized by ISPFlatFile::CreateFromSignature. This function does not use environment variable SIGNWARE_ISO_LOAD.
get the current signature data structure during acquiry
get the signature associated with the SPGuiDisp object
get the signature associated with the SPGuiDyn object
Create a new signature structure and initialize all device specific fields with values from a refrence structure.
Create a new signature structure and initialize all device specific fields with values from the selected tablet.
Get the signature of a teller image.
Get the signature of a template.
Get the complexity of the signature in this object.
Query the device from a signature.
Convert a signature to a standard image file format.
Query the image size of this signature object.
Query the pressure range from a signature.
Query the number of tablet vectors included in the signature.
Query the tablet serial identification.
Query the resolution from a signature.
Query the Sample Rate from a signature.
Query the timestamp from a signature.
Query the values of a vector included in the signature.
Query the values of a vector included in the signature.
Mirror a signature vertically. The signature is mirrored such that the range of Y coordinates is not changed.
Set the device in a signature object.
Set the max pressure in a signature object.
Query the tablet serial identification.
Set the resolution in a signature object.
Set (Overwrite) the Sample Rate of a signature.
Calculate gray levels in a static signature either from pressure levels of the vectors or from aliasing. By default, the gray level is based on the pressure level of a vector.
Set the pen width for rendering the signature as a static image, default 0.5 mm.
Set the ticket for rendering the signature.
Set (Overwrite) the timestamp of a signature.
Field Documentation
Min signature height.
Min signature pressure levels.
Min static signature quality.
Min signature vectors (with pressure greater than 0).
Min signature width.
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