Reclassification of Documents via Script

You can change the classification result Reclassified via Script Result icon of a document in script by calling the Reclassify method. You can use either of the Project Class extraction events for unclassified documents. These events are executed before document classification.

By default, the project-level fields and locators are not extracted again during subsequent extractions. Once extraction is performed, the "Preserve" flag for these fields and locators is set to "True" and saved in the document. If one of the fields or locators requires extraction again in its newly classified class, you should set the pre"Preserve"serve flag to "False" at the beginning of extraction. For example, in the BeforeExtract event.

When using the Reclassify method in the class extraction events, extraction is stopped for this class and then executed for the new class. For more information, refer to Reclassify Documents via Script in the Scripting Help.

Locators, fields, and validation rules are available for configuration when the corresponding class is selected in the Project Tree.