Edit Fields Window

This window enables you to edit a document that has incorrect extraction results. If you have a document that is part of some golden files, it is essential that the extraction information is correct. Using this window allows that.

You can lasso around the correct information on a field. You can press the Up arrow or the Down arrow to move between fields. You can also press the Enter key to move to the next field.

This window is available only for Test Sets and Benchmark Sets.

Table 1. Edit Field Toolbar Options
Option Name and Description

Previous Page icon

Previous Page

Navigates to the previous page in the current document.

Next Page icon

Next Page

Navigates to the next page in the current document.

Zoom In icon

Zoom In

Increases the magnification of the current page in the Document Viewer.

Zoom Out icon

Zoom Out

Decreases the magnification of the current page in the Document Viewer.

Actual Size button

Zoom to 100%

Resets the magnification to the original size and resolution of the image.

Fit to Page icon

Best Fit

Adjusts the magnification of the image so it fits within the Document Viewer.

Fit to Width icon

Fit to Width

Fits the image by width within the Document Viewer.

Fit to Height button

Fit to Height

Fits the image by height within the Document Viewer.

Help icon


Displays the Help.