Advanced Tab

This tab has settings for general options, discount rates, rounding mode and tax validation.

General Options

This group has the following options:

Allow field reconstruction for redundant fields

Select this option to allow field reconstruction. Some fields can be automatically deduced if they are not present on the document or not recognized correctly. This option is selected by default.

Fill empty fields with 0.00

Select this option to assign 0.00 to empty fields. This option is selected by default.

Consider Total-only invoices as valid

Select this option to allow an invoice to be valid if it contains only the total amount. This option is selected by default.

Rounding Mode

This group has the following option:

Amounts can be rounded to the nearest multiple of

Select a rounding value between 0.01 and 1.00 from the list to define the maximum allowed rounding error. The value for this option is set to 0.01 by default.

Discount Rates

This group has the following option:

Allow tax calculation on reduced net amounts (UK or Belgium only)

Select this option to allow the tax to be calculated using a net amount that is discounted due to early payment. This option can be used for UK or Belgium calculations only. This option is cleared by default.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.