Cursive Page or A2iA Recognition Engine

This recognition engine is provided by A2iA and specializes in cursive hand-written content that is formed and joined in a flowing style within a zone. It is also able to recognize hand printed content and machine printed text. For example, the joined letters of a signature, a hand printed date, or a machine printed address.

During installation, there are two different version fo this recognition engine that you can select:

  • Cursive Page Recognition Engine

  • Check and Cursive Page Recognition Engine

The main Cursive Page Recognition Engine uses the A2iA technology to recognize and extract both hand-written content and machine printed content from form fields. This version of the engine is typically referred to as the FieldReader. It specializes in recognizing the following:

  • Constrained fields such as combo boxes

  • Freehand, cursive, and hand printed content

  • Numbers such as dates, values, account numbers, etc.

  • Check marks, OMR machine print or radio buttons

  • Machine print

The Check and Cursive Page Recognition Engine is specialized for banking documents, such as checks or money orders. This version of the engine is referred to as the CheckReader. This recognition engine is designed to work on documents that have the same dimensions as a check. The engine is not able to detect the check if it is part of a larger document or if it has a stub attached.

However, this recognition engine has an "Auto Locate" option. This option supports checks that are scanned in front of a white background on a flatbed scanner or an MFP. In this case, the check is part of a larger, but otherwise, white document.

It specializes in recognizing the following:

  • Courtesy and legal amounts

  • Addresses on a check or banking document

  • Dates

  • Names

  • MICR Codes

  • Presence of signatures

When configuring the A2iA Zone Locator, you can specify which of these engines to use by selecting either FieldReader or CheckReader from the A2iA Reader option on the Zones tab of the A2iA Zone Locator Properties window.

See the Kofax TotalAgility 7.4.1 - Installation Guide for more information on installing one of these engines.