Custom Separation and Form Identification Profiles Window
Use this window to define a custom separation and form identification profile.
Each separation and form identification profile combines settings for separating documents and identifying forms. Not all form identification options are available with all document separation options.
Select a custom separation and form identification profile from the drop-down list.
If you want to edit or display the settings for an existing custom profile, select it from the drop-down list. The other options on the window change to indicate the settings defined for that profile.
If you want to create a new custom profile, select a name from the drop-down list and click Save As.
The Kofax-defined separation and form identification profiles are read-only, but you can select them from the drop-down list to view their settings or base a custom profile on them.
Document Separation
Select a document separation method.
- Manual separation
Enables manual document separation.
- Fixed pages
Enables document separation based on a fixed number of pages.
- Patch code
Enables document separation based on detection of a particular patch code. Then, select a recognition profile from the drop-down list.
The drop-down list contains all Kofax-defined recognition profiles that make sense for a patch code recognition operation (currently, only Kofax Patch Code) and any custom recognition profiles already defined.
- Edit button
Displays the Recognition Profiles window. From this window, you can define a custom recognition profile.
- Found on stand-alone separator sheet
Use if the patch code you want to use for document separation is printed on a stand-alone separator sheet.
- Bar code
Enables document separation based on detection of a particular bar code.
The drop-down list contains all Kofax-defined recognition profiles that make sense for a bar code recognition operation (currently, only Kofax 3 of 9 Bar Code and Kofax 128 Bar Code) and any custom recognition profiles already defined.
- Edit button
Displays the Recognition Profiles window. From this window, you can define a custom recognition profile.
- Found on stand-alone separator sheet
Use if the bar code you want to use for document separation is printed on a stand-alone separator sheet.
- Search Text
Enables document separation based on standard text matching. Enter the search text that must be found.
- Treat search text as regular expression
When selected, the arrow button is enabled, from which you can select regular expression characters from a menu. Selecting a character inserts it in the Search Text box. When selected, confidence from the recognition engine is ignored. If the regular expression matches, the confidence is 100. If not, the confidence is 0.
- Separation on bar code change
When selected, document separation occurs in the Scan module if the first bar code detected on a page differs from the first bar code on the previous page. Otherwise, the page is added to the most recent document. Available only if
Bar code
is selected as the Document Separation method.
- Use separator zone
Enables separation based on a separator zone.
- Use page recognition for form identification
Enables separation based on page recognition.
Single document processing may increase the number of documents processed in an hour, but it is only available when document separation occurs automatically in the Scan module.
Select a form identification method.
- Manual identification
Turns on manual form identification.
- Separation bar code
When a bar code profile is used for document separation, form identification is automatically applied if the bar code value read from the scanned page matches the name of one of the form types.
If more than one bar code exists per page, the first bar code is used for form identification. If the first bar code does not match an existing form type, the other bar codes on the page are used to identify the form type.
- Regular Expression
Use the regular expression as a filter to ensure that form identification occurs only if a bar code value includes the specified text.
For example, if a bar code value on a scanned page matches a form type, it is not considered a true match unless some part of the value also matches the regular expression that you specify. Otherwise, the form type is not applied.
You can manually enter the text, or use the right arrow button to select the characters to use in the regular expression.
- Kofax separator sheets
Turns on form identification based on separator sheets created with the Kofax Separator Sheet Utility.
- Page recognition
Turns on form identification based on page recognition. Then, select a recognition profile from the drop-down list.
The drop-down list contains all Kofax-defined recognition profiles that make sense for a form identification operation (currently, only Kofax Form Identification) and any custom recognition profiles already defined.
- Edit button
Displays the Recognition Profiles window. From this window, you can define a custom recognition profile.
- Confidence
Use this slider to select a confidence for the page recognition operation.
- Difference
Use this slider to select a difference for the page recognition operation.