Recognition Profiles Window - Bar Code Engine
Use this window to create and/or edit a custom recognition profile.
Use the list to select a recognition profile. The other settings on the window are refreshed with the settings defined for the selected profile.
This is the engine associated with the selected profile. This information is read-only and cannot be changed.
Bar code types
This area on the window may vary, depending on the engine associated with the selected profile. The example shown here contains the various bar codes supported by Kofax Capture.
You may also see the following variations on this window:
Kofax Advanced OCR Full Text
Kofax Advanced OCR Zonal
Kofax Form Identification
Kofax High Performance ICR Zonal
Kofax High Performance OCR Zonal
Kofax ICR Zonal
Kofax OMR Zonal
Kofax Patch Code
Kofax PDF Image Under Text
Kofax PDF Image + Text
Kofax PDF Image Only
Kofax Shape Zonal
Image Cleanup
Select an image cleanup profile from the drop-down list.
Edit button
To modify an existing image cleanup profile or create a new one, click the Edit button. The Image Cleanup Profiles window appear and you can specify the type of image cleanup to use and other advanced settings.
Save button
Saves your settings.
Save As button
Saves your selections to a new profile name. The Save As window appears, and you can enter or select the profile name. Enter up to 32 characters, including spaces. (Leading and trailing spaces are removed.) The name must be unique and is not case sensitive.
Delete button
Deletes the selected profile. You can only delete user-defined profiles.
Script button
Click this button to open the Recognition Script window.
Test button
Tests your zone settings. Your recognition and cleanup settings are applied to the zone and the results displayed in the Zone Test window.
The Test button is unavailable if the sample page is displayed from the Document class tree view. The sample must be displayed from the batch class tree view tab if you want to use QuickZones to verify your recognition and cleanup settings.