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CountryCode Enumeration

A list of country codes used by Twain devices.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Twain
Assembly:  Atalasoft.DotTwain (in Atalasoft.DotTwain.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public enum CountryCode
  Member nameDescription
Afghanistan Country code constant
Algeria Country code constant
AmericanSamoa Country code constant
Andorra Country code constant
Angola Country code constant
Anguilla Country code constant
Antigua Country code constant
Argentina Country code constant
Aruba Country code constant
Ascensioni Country code constant
Australia Country code constant
Austria Country code constant
Bahamas Country code constant
Bahrain Country code constant
Bangladesh Country code constant
Barbados Country code constant
Belgium Country code constant
Belize Country code constant
Benin Country code constant
Bermuda Country code constant
Bhutan Country code constant
Bolivia Country code constant
Botswana Country code constant
Britain Country code constant
Britvirginsis Country code constant
Brazil Country code constant
Brunei Country code constant
Bulgaria Country code constant
Burkinafaso Country code constant
Burma Country code constant
Burundi Country code constant
Camaroon Country code constant
Canada Country code constant
CapeVerdeis Country code constant
Caymanis Country code constant
CentralAfrep Country code constant
Chad Country code constant
Chile Country code constant
China Country code constant
Christmasis Country code constant
Cocosis Country code constant
Colombia Country code constant
Comoros Country code constant
Congo Country code constant
Cookis Country code constant
Costarica Country code constant
Cuba Country code constant
Cyprus Country code constant
Czechoslovakia Country code constant
Denmark Country code constant
Djibouti Country code constant
Dominica Country code constant
Domincanrep Country code constant
Easteris Country code constant
Ecuador Country code constant
Egypt Country code constant
Elsalvador Country code constant
Eqguinea Country code constant
Ethiopia Country code constant
Falklandis Country code constant
Faeroeis Country code constant
Fijiislands Country code constant
Finland Country code constant
France Country code constant
Frantilles Country code constant
Frguiana Country code constant
Frpolyneisa Country code constant
Futanais Country code constant
Gabon Country code constant
Gambia Country code constant
Germany Country code constant
Ghana Country code constant
Gibralter Country code constant
Greece Country code constant
Greenland Country code constant
Grenada Country code constant
Grenedines Country code constant
Guadeloupe Country code constant
Guam Country code constant
Guantanamobay Country code constant
Guatemala Country code constant
Guinea Country code constant
Guineabissau Country code constant
Guyana Country code constant
Haiti Country code constant
Honduras Country code constant
HongKong Country code constant
Hungary Country code constant
Iceland Country code constant
India Country code constant
Indonesia Country code constant
Iran Country code constant
Iraq Country code constant
Ireland Country code constant
Israel Country code constant
Italy Country code constant
IvoryCoast Country code constant
Jamaica Country code constant
Japan Country code constant
Jordan Country code constant
Kenya Country code constant
Kiribati Country code constant
Korea Country code constant
Kuwait Country code constant
Laos Country code constant
Lebanon Country code constant
Liberia Country code constant
Libya Country code constant
Liechtenstein Country code constant
Luxenbourg Country code constant
Macao Country code constant
Madagascar Country code constant
Malawi Country code constant
Malaysia Country code constant
Maldives Country code constant
Mali Country code constant
Malta Country code constant
Marshallis Country code constant
Mauritania Country code constant
Mauritius Country code constant
Mexico Country code constant
Micronesia Country code constant
Miquelon Country code constant
Monaco Country code constant
Mongolia Country code constant
Montserrat Country code constant
Morocco Country code constant
Mozambique Country code constant
Namibia Country code constant
Nauru Country code constant
Nepal Country code constant
Netherlands Country code constant
Nethantilles Country code constant
Nevis Country code constant
Newcaledonia Country code constant
Newzealand Country code constant
Nicaragua Country code constant
Niger Country code constant
Nigeria Country code constant
Niue Country code constant
Norfolki Country code constant
Norway Country code constant
Oman Country code constant
Pakistan Country code constant
Palau Country code constant
Panama Country code constant
Paraguay Country code constant
Peru Country code constant
Phillippines Country code constant
Pitcairnis Country code constant
Pnewguinea Country code constant
Poland Country code constant
Portugal Country code constant
Qatar Country code constant
Reunioni Country code constant
Romania Country code constant
Rwanda Country code constant
Saipan Country code constant
Sanmarino Country code constant
Saotome Country code constant
Saudiarabia Country code constant
Senegal Country code constant
Seychellesis Country code constant
Sierraleone Country code constant
Singapore Country code constant
Solomonis Country code constant
Somali Country code constant
SouthAfrica Country code constant
Spain Country code constant
Srilanka Country code constant
Sthelena Country code constant
Stkitts Country code constant
StLucia Country code constant
StPierre Country code constant
StVincent Country code constant
Sudan Country code constant
Suriname Country code constant
Swaziland Country code constant
Sweden Country code constant
Switzerland Country code constant
Syria Country code constant
Taiwan Country code constant
Tanzania Country code constant
Thailand Country code constant
Tobago Country code constant
Togo Country code constant
Tongais Country code constant
Trinidad Country code constant
Tunisia Country code constant
Turkey Country code constant
Turkscaicos Country code constant
Tuvalu Country code constant
Uganda Country code constant
Ussr Country code constant
Uaemirates Country code constant
UnitedKingdom Country code constant
Usa Country code constant
Uruguay Country code constant
Vanuatu Country code constant
VaticanCity Country code constant
Venezuela Country code constant
Wake Country code constant
Wallisis Country code constant
WesternSahara Country code constant
WesternSamoa Country code constant
Yemen Country code constant
Yugoslavia Country code constant
Zaire Country code constant
Zambia Country code constant
Zimbabwe Country code constant
Albania Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Armenia Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Azerbaijan Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Belarus Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Bosniaherzgo Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Cambodia Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Croatia Country code constant, added =for 1.8
CzechRepublic Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Diegogarcia Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Eritrea Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Estonia Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Georgia Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Latvia Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Lesotho Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Lithuania Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Macedonia Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Mayotteis Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Moldova Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Myanmar Country code constant, added =for 1.8
NorthKorea Country code constant, added =for 1.8
PuertoRico Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Russia Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Serbia Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Slovakia Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Slovenia Country code constant, added =for 1.8
SouthKorea Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Ukraine Country code constant, added =for 1.8
USVirginis Country code constant, added =for 1.8
Vietnam Country code constant, added =for 1.8
See Also