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TwainExtendedImageInfoID Enumeration

Used to specify which extended parameters are requested from the driver.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Twain
Assembly:  Atalasoft.DotTwain (in Atalasoft.DotTwain.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public enum TwainExtendedImageInfoID
  Member nameDescription
TWEI_BARCODECONFIDENCE (TW_UINT32): This number reflects the degree of certainty the bar code engine has in the accuracy of the information obtained from the scanned image and ranges from 0 (no confidence) to 100 (supreme confidence).
TWEI_BARCODECOUNT (TW_UINT32): Returns the number of bar codes found on the document image.
TWEI_BARCODEROTATION (TW_UINT32): The bar code?s orientation on the scanned image is described in reference to a Western-style interpretation of the image.
TWEI_BARCODETEXT (TW_HANDLE): The text of a bar code found on a page.
TWEI_BARCODETEXTLENGTH (TW_UINT32): The number of ASCII characters derived from the bar code.
TWEI_BARCODETYPE (TW_UINT32): The type of bar code found on a page. See BarCodeType for values.
TWEI_BARCODEX (TW_UINT32): The X coordinate of a bar code found on a page.
TWEI_BARCODEY (TW_UINT32): The Y coordinate of a bar code found on a page.
TWEI_BLACKSPECKLESREMOVED (TW_UINT32): The number of black speckles removed from the image when despeckle is enabled.
TWEI_BOOKNAME (TW_STR255): This is new with TWAIN 1.9, expanding on the document/page/frame numbers described by previous versions of TWAIN in the TW_IMAGELAYOUT (TwainImageLayout) structure. The ordering is book/chapter/document/page(camera)/frame, and increases the detail of image addressing that a Source can provide for an Application.
TWEI_CAMERA (TW_STR255): The primary use of this value is to determine if the image is from the top or the bottom side of a sheet of paper.
TWEI_CHAPTERNUMBER (TW_UINT32): This is new with TWAIN 1.9, expanding on the document/page/frame numbers described by previous versions of TWAIN in the TW_IMAGELAYOUT (TwainImageLayout) structure. The ordering is book/chapter/document/page(camera)/frame, and increases the detail of image addressing that a Source can provide for an Application.
TWEI_DESHADEBLACKCOUNTNEW (TW_UINT32): The total number of black pixels in the region after deshading.
TWEI_DESHADEBLACKCOUNTOLD (TW_UINT32): The total number of black pixels in the region prior to deshading.
TWEI_DESHADEBLACKRLMAX (TW_UINT32): The longest black pixel run-length in the region prior to deshading.
TWEI_DESHADEBLACKRLMIN (TW_UINT32): The shortest black pixel run-length in the region prior to deshading.
TWEI_DESHADECOUNT (TW_UINT32): Returns the number of shaded regions found and erased in the document image.
TWEI_DESHADEHEIGHT (TW_UINT32): The height coordinate of a shaded region found on a page.
TWEI_DESHADELEFT (TW_UINT32): The left coordinate of a shaded region found on a page.
TWEI_DESHADESIZE (TW_UINT32): The width of the dots within the shade region.
TWEI_DESHADETOP (TW_UINT32): The top coordinate of a shaded region found on a page.
TWEI_DESHADEWIDTH (TW_UINT32): The width coordinate of a shaded region found on a page.
TWEI_DESHADEWHITECOUNTNEW (TW_UINT32): The total number of white pixels in the region after deshading.
TWEI_DESHADEWHITECOUNTOLD (TW_UINT32): The total number of white pixels in the region prior to deshading.
TWEI_DESHADEWHITERLAVE (TW_UINT32): The average length of all white pixel run-lengths in the region prior to deshading.
TWEI_DESHADEWHITERLMAX (TW_UINT32): The longest white pixel run-length in the region prior to deshading.
TWEI_DESHADEWHITERLMIN (TW_UINT32): The shortest white pixel run-length in the region prior to deshading.
TWEI_DESKEWSTATUS (TW_UINT32): Returns the status of the deskew operation.
TWEI_DOCUMENTNUMBER (TW_UINT32): The ordering is book/chapter/document/page(camera)/frame, and increases the amount of image addressing that a Source can provide for an Application.
TWEI_ENDORSEDTEXT (TW_STR255): The text that was endorsed on the paper by the scanner.
TWEI_FILESYSTEMSOURCE (TW_STR255): Returns a string describing the camera that captured the image data.
TWEI_FORMCONFIDENCE (TW_UINT32): The confidence that the specified form was detected.
TWEI_FORMHORZDOCOFFSET (TW_UINT32): An array containing the perceived horizontal offsets of the form image being matched against a set of master forms.
TWEI_FORMTEMPLATEMATCH (TW_STR255): The array of file names for the master forms matched against a form.
TWEI_FORMTEMPLATEPAGEMATCH (TW_UINT32): An array containing the number of the page from a multi-page master form matched against a form image.
TWEI_FORMVERTDOCOFFSET (TW_UINT32): An array containing the perceived vertical offsets of the form image being matched against a set of master forms.
TWEI_FRAME (TW_FRAME): This is the same value returned in Frame.
TWEI_FRAMENUMBER (TW_UINT32): This is the same value returned in FrameNumber.
TWEI_HORZLINECOUNT (TW_UINT32): Returns the number of horizontal lines found and erased in the document image.
TWEI_HORZLINELENGTH (TW_UINT32): The length of a horizontal line detected in the image.
TWEI_HORZLINETHICKNESS (TW_UINT32): The thickness (height) of a horizontal line detected in the image.
TWEI_HORZLINEXCOORD (TW_UINT32): The X coordinate of a horizontal line detected in the image.
TWEI_HORZLINEYCOORD (TW_UINT32): The Y coordinate of a horizontal line detected in the image.
TWEI_ICCPROFILE (TW_STR255): Returns the name of the ICC profile that was used to render the current image. This may be a fully qualified path indicating the exact location of the ICC profile.
TWEI_IMAGEMERGED (TW_BOOL): Indicates that the current image is the result of a merger between the front and rear images of a duplex capture.
TWEI_LASTSEGMENT (TW_BOOL): Returns true if the current segment is the last segment of a page.
TWEI_MAGDATA (TW_HANDLE): This is a ?blob? of data with a byte count retrieved from the driver/ device. The interpretation of the data comes from TWEI_MAGTYPE.
TWEI_MAGDATALENGTH (TW_UINT32): This describes the length of the magnetic data. Either in bytes for ?blob? or data or characters for string data.
TWEI_MAGTYPE (TW_UINT16): This describes the kind of magnetic data.
TWEI_PAGENUMBER (TW_UINT32): The ordering is book/chapter/document/page(camera)/frame, and increases the amount of image addressing that a Source can provide for an Application.
TWEI_PAGESIDE (TW_UINT16): Returns a value indicating if the image represents the front or rear of the sheet of paper.
TWEI_PATCHCODE (TW_UINT32): The patch code detected. See PatchCodeType for values.
TWEI_PIXELFLAVOR (TW_UINT16): This value describes the pixel flavor of the current image.
TWEI_SEGMENTNUMBER (TW_UINT32): Returns a number identifying the segment of an image.
TWEI_SKEWCONFIDENCE (TW_UINT32): This number reflects the degree of certainty the deskew engine has in the accuracy of the deskewing of the current image and ranges from 0 (no confidence) to 100 (supreme confidence).
TWEI_SKEWFINALANGLE (TW_UINT32): The amount of skew in the deskewed image.
TWEI_SKEWORIGINALANGLE (TW_UINT32): The amount of skew in the original image.
TWEI_SKEWWINDOWX1 (TW_UINT32): This is the X image coordinate of the upper left corner of the virtual deskewed image.
TWEI_SKEWWINDOWY1 (TW_UINT32): This is the Y image coordinate of the upper left corner of the virtual deskewed image.
TWEI_SKEWWINDOWX2 (TW_UINT32): The X image coordinate of the upper right corner of the virtual deskewed image.
TWEI_SKEWWINDOWY2 (TW_UINT32): The Y image coordinate of the upper right corner of the virtual deskewed image.
TWEI_SKEWWINDOWX3 (TW_UINT32): This is the X image coordinate of the lower left corner of the virtual deskewed image.
TWEI_SKEWWINDOWY3 (TW_UINT32): This is the Y image coordinate of the lower left corner of the virtual deskewed image.
TWEI_SKEWWINDOWX4 (TW_UINT32): This is the X image coordinate of the lower left corner of the virtual deskewed image.
TWEI_SKEWWINDOWY4 (TW_UINT32): This is the Y image coordinate of the lower left corner of the virtual deskewed image.
TWEI_SPECKLESREMOVED (TW_UINT32): The number of speckles removed from the image when de-speckle is enabled.
TWEI_VERTLINECOUNT (TW_UINT32): Returns the number of vertical lines found and erased in the document image.
TWEI_VERTLINELENGTH (TW_UINT32): The length of a vertical line detected in the image.
TWEI_VERTLINETHICKNESS (TW_UINT32): The thickness (width) of a vertical line detected in the image.
TWEI_VERTLINEXCOORD (TW_UINT32): The X coordinate of a vertical line detected in the image.
TWEI_VERTLINEYCOORD (TW_UINT32): The Y coordinate of a vertical line detected in the image.
TWEI_WHITESPECKLESREMOVED (TW_UINT32): The number of white speckles removed (black speckles added) from the image when despeckle is enabled.
See Also