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TwainConditionCode Enumeration

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Twain
Assembly:  Atalasoft.DotTwain (in Atalasoft.DotTwain.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public enum TwainConditionCode
  Member nameDescription
TWCC_BADCAP Capability not supported by Source or operation (get, set) is not supported on capability, or capability had dependencies on other capabilities and cannot be operated upon at this time.
TWCC_BADDEST Unknown destination device.
TWCC_BADPROTOCOL Unrecognized TwainTriplet.
TWCC_BADVALUE Data parameter is out of the supported range.
TWCC_BUMMER General failure.
TWCC_CAPUNSUPPORTED The capability is not supported by the device.
TWCC_CAPBADOPERATION Operation (Get or Set) is not supported for the capability.
TWCC_CAPSEQERROR Capability has dependencies on other capabilities and cannot be operated upon at this time.
TWCC_CHECKDEVICEONLINE The device may not be online. Check the Online property.
TWCC_CHECKSTATUS Operation modified. This can happen when setting a capability to a value the device does not support and the device converts the value to the nearest supported value.
TWCC_CUSTOMBASE Custom condition codes start after this value.
TWCC_DAMAGEDCORNER Operation failed because the document has a damaged corner.
TWCC_DENIED File System operation denied. The file may be protected.
TWCC_DOCTOODARK Operation failed because the document is too dark.
TWCC_DOCTOOLIGHT Operation failed because the document is too light.
TWCC_DOUBLEFEED Transfer failed because of a feeder error.
TWCC_FILEEXISTS Operation failed because the file already exists.
TWCC_FILEWRITEERROR Operation failed while writing the file.
TWCC_FOCUSERROR Operation failed because of a focusing error during document capture.
TWCC_INTERLOCK Operation failed because the cover or door is open.
TWCC_INVALIDSTATE Invalid state for the operation.
TWCC_LOWMEMORY Not enough memory to complete this operation.
TWCC_MAXCONNECTIONS The device is connected to the maximum number of applications it can support.
TWCC_NODS Device was not found.
TWCC_NOMEDIA Source has nothing to capture for a transfer.
TWCC_NOTEMPTY Operation failed because the directory is not empty.
TWCC_OPERATIONERROR Source or Source Manager reported an error to the user and handled the error; no application action required.
TWCC_PAPERDOUBLEFEED Obsolete. Transfer failed because of a feeder error.
TWCC_PAPERJAM Transfer failed because of a paper jam.
TWCC_SEQERROR Invalid operation for the current state.
TWCC_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
TWCC_UNKNOWN Unknown condition.
See Also