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TwainTransferMethod Enumeration

Specifies the transfer method used. This can be set with the TransferMethod property of the Device object.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Twain
Assembly:  Atalasoft.DotTwain (in Atalasoft.DotTwain.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public enum TwainTransferMethod
  Member nameDescription
TWSX_NATIVE Transfer image as a 'native' bitmap in memory. This is the default method, all drivers must support it.
TWSX_FILE Transfer image as a file on host filesystem.
TWSX_MEMORY Transfer image as pixel data through memory buffers.
TWSX_FILE2 (DEPRECATED) Transfer image as a file on host filesystem. Allows long and Unicode filenames.
TWSX_MEMFILE Transfer image in file format in memory
See Also