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DeviceCapability Enumeration

The device capabilities which can be tested with the QueryCapability(DeviceCapability, Boolean) method. This enumeration is also used with the low level TwainController.

Namespace:  Atalasoft.Twain
Assembly:  Atalasoft.DotTwain (in Atalasoft.DotTwain.dll) Version: (.NET 4.5.2, x86)
public enum DeviceCapability
  Member nameDescription
ACAP_AUDIOFILEFORMAT Used to specify the audio file format when acquiring audio.
ACAP_XFERMECH Allows the Application and Source to identify which audio transfer mechanisms they have in common.
CAP_ALARMS Indicates if specific audible alarms are on or off.
CAP_ALARMVOLUME Allows you to control the volume of any alarms.
CAP_AUTHOR The name or other identifying information about the Author of the image.
CAP_AUTOMATICCAPTURE Indicates if the device supports automatic capture.
CAP_AUTOFEED Indicates if the feeder will automatically load the pages.
CAP_AUTOSCAN Indicates if the device supports AutoScan.
CAP_BATTERYMINUTES Indicates if the device can report the number of battery minutes remaining.
CAP_BATTERYPERCENTAGE Indicates if the device can report the percentage of battery available.
CAP_CAMERAENABLED Indicates whether the current CAP_CAMERASIDE is enabled.
CAP_CAMERAORDER Indicates the order of the images returned when more than one camera is enabled.
CAP_CAMERAPREVIEWUI Indicates if the device supports a camera preview interface. This is a good indicator that the device is a camera.
CAP_CAMERASIDE Used to control if the front (top) or back (bottom) camera is enabled for a duplex scan. The EnableCamera(TwainCameraSide, Boolean) method can be used for this functionality.
CAP_CAPTION A general note about the acquired image.
CAP_CLEARBUFFERS Allows you to set the mode the source uses to clear it's internal buffer.
CAP_CLEARPAGE Ejects the current page being acquired and leaves the feeder acquire area empty.
CAP_CUSTOMBASE Indicates if custom capabilities are supported.
CAP_CUSTOMDSDATA Allows the application to query the data source to see if it supports the SaveParameters(Stream) and LoadParameters(Stream) methods.
CAP_DEVICEEVENT Indicates that the device supports device event callbacks.
CAP_DEVICEONLINE Indicates if the device is powered up and ready to use.
CAP_DEVICETIMEDATE Allows you to get the date and time of the device.
CAP_DUPLEX Allows you to specify the type of duplex to use.
CAP_DUPLEXENABLED Allows you to turn duplex on or off.
CAP_ENABLEDSUIONLY Indicates if the interface can be displayed without acquiring an image. This is required to use ShowUserInterface.
CAP_ENDORSER Allows you to set the starting endorser number.
CAP_EXTENDEDCAPS Indicates if the device has extended capabilities.
CAP_FEEDERALIGNMENT Allows you to set the paper alignment in a document feeder.
CAP_FEEDERENABLED Indicates if the document feeder is enabled.
CAP_FEEDERLOADED Indicates if the document feeder has pages loaded.
CAP_FEEDERORDER Allows you to set the page order in a document feeder.
CAP_FEEDERPOCKET Indicates which feeder output pocket will be used.
CAP_FEEDERPREP Improves the movement of the paper through the scanner.
CAP_FEEDPAGE Forces the document feeder to eject the current page and load the next page.
CAP_INDICATORS Indicates if the source will display a progress bar during an acquisition.
CAP_JOBCONTROL Allows multiple jobs in batch mode.
CAP_LANGUAGE Allows you to specify the language to use.
CAP_MAXBATCHBUFFERS Allows you to set the number of pages that the scanner can buffer when AutoScan is enabled.
CAP_MICRENABLED Enables MICR check scanning.
CAP_PAPERDETECTABLE Indicates if the device has a paper sensor.
CAP_POWERSUPPLY Allows you to get the type of power supply being used.

Indicates that the device supports an imprinter or endorser.

CAP_PRINTERENABLED Allows you to turn the imprinter/endorser on or off.
CAP_PRINTERINDEX Allows you to specify the endorser starting number.
CAP_PRINTERMODE Allows you to specify the type of imprinter/endorser to use.
CAP_PRINTERSTRING Allows you to specify the imprinter/endorser text.
CAP_PRINTERSUFFIX Allows you to specify the imprinter/endorser suffix text.
CAP_REACQUIREALLOWED Indicates whether the physical hardware is capable of acquiring multiple images of the same page.
CAP_REWINDPAGE Forces the document feeder to return the current page to the input area and bring the last page scanned back into the scan area.
CAP_SEGMENTED Describes the segmentation settings for captured images.
CAP_SERIALNUMBER A string containing the serial number of this device.
CAP_SUPPORTEDCAPS Indicates if the device can use the GetSupportedCapabilities method.
CAP_THUMBNAILSENABLED Indicates if a thumbnail should be returned instead of the full size image.
CAP_TIMEBEFOREFIRSTCAPTURE The amount of time before the first capture. This is used in StartAutomaticCapture(String, Int32, Int32, Int32).
CAP_TIMEBETWEENCAPTURES The amount of time between captures. This is used in StartAutomaticCapture(String, Int32, Int32, Int32).
CAP_TIMEDATE The date and time of the image.
CAP_UICONTROLLABLE Indicates if the interface can be hidden during an acquire.
CAP_XFERCOUNT The number of images your application is willing to accept.

Indicates if the device supports the AutoBrightness feature.

ICAP_AUTODISCARDBLANKPAGES Indicates if the device supports the AutoDiscardBlankPages property.
ICAP_AUTOMATICBORDERDETECTION Allows you to turn AutomaticBorderDetection on or off.
ICAP_AUTOMATICDESKEW Allows you to turn the automatic deskew on or off.
ICAP_AUTOMATICROTATE Allows you to turn the automatic rotation on or off.
ICAP_AUTOSIZE Forces the output image size to match either the ICAP_SUPPORTEDSIZES or any supported value.
ICAP_BARCODEDETECTIONENABLED Turns bar code detection on and off.
ICAP_BARCODEMAXRETRIES Restricts the number of times a search will be retried if none are found on each page.
ICAP_BARCODEMAXSEARCHPRIORITIES Determines how many bar code detection priorities can be set.
ICAP_BARCODESEARCHMODE Restricts bar code searching to certain orientations, or prioritizes one orientation over the other.
ICAP_BARCODESEARCHPRIORITIES A prioritized list of bar code types dictating the order in which bar codes will be sought.
ICAP_BARCODETIMEOUT Restricts the total time spent on searching for a bar code on each page.
ICAP_BITDEPTH Allows you to specify the bitdepth of the acquisition.
ICAP_BITDEPTHREDUCTION Allows you to specify the type of bit depth reduction used by the source.
ICAP_BITORDER Specifies how bytes in an image are filled by the source.
ICAP_BITORDERCODES Used for CCITT data compression only. Indicates the bit order representation of the stored,compressed codes.
ICAP_BRIGHTNESS Allows you to specify the amount of brightness the source applies to the image.
ICAP_CCITTKFACTOR Indicates if the device supports Group 3 compression and allows you to specify the K factor.
ICAP_COMPRESSION Indicates that the device supports compression when acquiring to file.
ICAP_CONTRAST Allows you to specify the contrast of the image.
ICAP_CUSTHALFTONE Specifies the halftone matrix the source device should use.
ICAP_EXPOSURETIME Indicates that the device supports an exposure time. This is a good indication that the device is a camera.
ICAP_EXTIMAGEINFO Determines if the device supports the SetExtendedCapabilities(DeviceCapability) method.
ICAP_FEEDERTYPE Allows setting scan parameters depending upon the type of feeder.
ICAP_FILTER Allows you to specify a color filter to apply to the image.
ICAP_FLASHUSED Indicates that a flash was used. This is a good indication that the device is a camera.
ICAP_FLASHUSED2 Indicates that a flash was used. This was added to the Twain specification to enhance the Flash property.
ICAP_FLIPROTATION Allows you to specify how pages are to be scanned.
ICAP_FRAMES Allows you to specify that only a section of the scanning bed be acquired.
ICAP_GAMMA Allows you to apply gamma to the image when acquired.
ICAP_HALFTONES Specifies the halftone to be used by the source.
ICAP_HIGHLIGHT Allows you to set the maximum highlight value in the image.
ICAP_ICCPROFILE Indicates if the driver supports linking or embedding an ICC profile.
ICAP_IMAGEDATASET Allows you to specify which images to acquire. This is used with SetImageDataset(Int32).
ICAP_IMAGEFILEFORMAT Indicates if the device supports saving directly to file.
ICAP_IMAGEFILTER Indicates that a filter can be applied to the image when acquired.
ICAP_JPEGPIXELTYPE Allows the application and source to agree on a pixel type used during a compressed memory transfer.
ICAP_JPEGQUALITY Allows you to specify the JPEG quality to use when acquiring directly to file.
ICAP_LAMPSTATE Indicates if the lamp is currently, or should be on or off.
ICAP_LIGHTPATH Describes whether the image was captured transmissively or reflectively.
ICAP_LIGHTSOURCE Describes the general color characteristic of the light source used to acquire the image.
ICAP_MAXFRAMES The maximum number of frames the source can provide or the application can accept.
ICAP_MINIMUMHEIGHT Allows you to retrieve the minimum acquisition height.
ICAP_MINIMUMWIDTH Allows you to retrieve the minimum acquisition width.
ICAP_NOISEFILTER Allows you to specify a noise filter to use during an acquire.
ICAP_ORIENTATION Allows you to specify the orientation of the acquire.
ICAP_OVERSCAN Allows you to turn Overscan on or off.
ICAP_PATCHCODEDETECTIONENABLED Turns patch code detection on and off.
ICAP_PATCHCODEMAXRETRIES Restricts the number of times a search will be retried if none are found on each page.
ICAP_PATCHCODEMAXSEARCHPRIORITIES Determines how many patch code detection priorities can be set.
ICAP_PATCHCODESEARCHMODE Restricts patch code searching to certain orientations, or prioritizes one orientation over the other.
ICAP_PATCHCODESEARCHPRIORITIES A prioritized list of patch code types dictating the order in which patch codes will be sought.
ICAP_PATCHCODETIMEOUT Restricts the total time spent on searching for a patch code on each page.
ICAP_PHYSICALWIDTH Indicates that the device can return its physical width.
ICAP_PHYSICALHEIGHT Indicates that the device can return its physical height.
ICAP_PIXELFLAVOR Used to indicate whether black or white has a value of zero in an image.
ICAP_PIXELFLAVORCODES Used only for CCITT data compression. Specifies whether the compressed codes? pixel ?sense?,will be inverted from the Current value of ICAP_PIXELFLAVOR prior to transfer.

Allows you to specify the pixel format of the image.

ICAP_PLANARCHUNKY Allows image data to be transferred in planar or chunky format.
ICAP_ROTATION The amount to rotate the image by the Source.
ICAP_SHADOW The value in an image which should be interpreted as the darkest shadow.
ICAP_SUPPORTEDBARCODETYPES Provides a list of bar codes that can be detected by the device.
ICAP_SUPPORTEDPATCHCODETYPES Provides a list of patch codes that can be detected by the device.
ICAP_SUPPORTEDSIZES Allows predefined frame sizes to be set.
ICAP_THRESHOLD The dividing line between black and white for 1-bit acquires.
ICAP_TILES Used with buffered memory transfers to indicate whether the image data is transferred in tiles or strips.
ICAP_TIMEFILL Used only with CCITT data compression. Specifies the minimum number of words of,compressed codes (compressed data) to be transmitted per line.
ICAP_UNDEFINEDIMAGESIZE Used by the application to notify the Source that the application accepts -1 as the image width,or -length in the BeforeTwainDataTransfer event.
ICAP_UNITS The units of measure for this acquire.
ICAP_XFERMECH The transfer method used to acquire images.
ICAP_XNATIVERESOLUTION The native optical resolution of the device along the X-axis.
ICAP_XRESOLUTION The number of pixels per unit for the horizontal direction as specified by the Units property.
ICAP_XSCALING The amount of scaling in the horizontal direction the Source will perform on the image.
ICAP_YNATIVERESOLUTION The native optical resolution of the device along the Y-axis.
ICAP_YRESOLUTION The number of pixels per unit in the vertical direction as specified by the Units property.
ICAP_YSCALING The amount of scaling in the vertical direction the Source will perform on the image.
ICAP_ZOOMFACTOR The zoom factor to use for the acquire.
See Also