Create Knowledge Base Window

Use this window to create knowledge bases from the files added to the training folders.

Selected training folders

This area displays the training folders that can be used as part of the knowledge base.


Type or browse to the location where the knowledge base is saved.

Create with password protection

Select this option if you want to protect your knowledge base with a password. This prevents others from making changes to without your permission.

Knowledge Base Types

This group provides options to select the types of knowledge bases to be created.

There are three knowledge base types that correspond to the three group locators.

Knowledge Base Information

This group has the following options:


Name of the knowledge base.


Type a description such as the type of sample documents used to create the knowledge base. This enables you to later identify the type of documents that were used.


Type a name to identify the owner of the knowledge base.

Knowledge Base Algorithm

This group allows you to select the Specific training type.


Click this button to save a new knowledge base with the settings you selected and return to the project settings.