Import Extraction Online Learning Data Window

Use this window to import extraction learning data to the specified online learning directory. This window is displayed when clicking the Import Documents from Extraction Online Learning button from the Documents window toolbar. The data is then moved to the specified training directory.

Current Online Learning State

This group has the following option:

Path to Online Learning Files

Displays the path to the directory the selected online learning files are located.

Import Destination

This group has the following option:

Import into new Extraction Set subset

Displays a recommended unique name for the new document subset that is based on the Extraction Online Learning generation. This new document subset is created in the Extraction Set and the imported training files are moved from the New Samples to the new document subset. The name can be customized.

There is a status bar at the bottom of the screen that provides the following information.

Directory generation

Displays the count of the generation of the online learning directory that you want to import. Every time you successfully import documents from the online learning directory the generation count is increased by one.

Project generation

Displays the count of the current project generation.

Progress bar

A progress bar is displayed during import.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.