Classification Benchmark Exceptions Window

Use this window to add classification benchmark exceptions.

Any existing exceptions are listed here, in the order that they were added. Each exception has the following:

Desired Result

Select the class that a document needs to be classified as in order to be correct in the classification benchmark Result Matrix.

Classification Result

Select the class that has an incorrect result in the classification benchmark Result Matrix.

Note The desired result and the classification result cannot be the same.
Exception Status

This determines whether the classification result is counted as valid or unclassified in the classification benchmark Result Matrix.


Provides a comment to explain the purpose of an exception. This is optional, but its value is added to the classification benchmark Result Matrix tooltip.

Use the following buttons to manage exceptions in your project:


Click the Add button to add an exception.


Click the Delete button to remove the currently selected exception.

Definitions for the buttons at the bottom of this window can be found in Common Transformation Designer Buttons.