Import Knowledge Base Window

Use this window to import existing knowledge bases into the current project.

Available knowledge bases

This table displays the knowledge bases available for import, with the following details:


Lists the name of the knowledge base file.


Indicates the protection status for the knowledge base.

There are three possible statuses:

  • No license protection.

  • License not activated.

  • Activated for nnnn, where nnnn is the serial number for the hardware or software key.

Last Modified

Indicates the most recent date the knowledge base was modified.

Sample Count

Indicates the number of sample documents used to create the knowledge base.


Indicates the type of knowledge base.


Indicates the owner of the knowledge base.

Use the following buttons to manage the Available knowledge bases:


Click this button to open the Select Knowledge Base window. The knowledge bases you select are added to the list of available knowledge bases.


Click this button to move the currently selected item from the list of available knowledge bases to the list of selected knowledge bases.

Selected knowledge bases

This table displays the knowledge bases you selected for import. The list shows the name of the knowledge base. It provides the same information as described above. This table can be managed using the following button:


Click this button to remove the currently selected item from the list of selected knowledge bases.

In addition to the common window buttons, the following button is available:


Click this button to import all the knowledge bases in "Selected knowledge bases" to the current project.