Resolve Conflicts Window

Use this window to manually resolve conflicts by correcting the field data and its positions on documents with similar layouts, or by deleting incorrectly trained fields or documents. The window is divided and displays two documents that have conflicting data. To resolve a conflict, delete or correct the conflicting data or document.

The window toolbar provides quick access to zoom and navigation features.

Table 1. Resolve Conflicts Window Toolbar
Option Name and Description

Previous Conflict icon

Previous Conflict

Navigates to the previous conflict.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F11 to navigate to the previous conflict.

Previous Unresolved Conflict icon

Previous Unresolved Conflict

Navigates to the previous conflict that has yet to be resolved.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut F11 to navigate to the previous unresolved conflict.

Next Conflict icon

Next Conflict

Navigates to the next conflict.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F12 to navigate to the next conflict.

Next Unresolved Conflict icon

Next Unresolved Conflict

Navigates to the next conflict that has yet to be resolved.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut F12 to navigate to the next unresolved conflict.

Zoom In

Zoom In

Increase the magnification of the document image

Zoom Out

Zoom Out

Decrease the magnification of the document image

Best Fit

Best Fit

Adjusts the magnification of the image so it fits within the Document Viewer.

Synchronize Zoom icon

Synchronize Zoom

Synchronizes the zoom factor as well as the panning of the cropped image in both viewers.

Show All Fields icon

Show All Fields

Displays all extracted fields on the documents including conflicted and non-conflicted fields. This is disabled by default.

Help icon


Displays the Help for this window.

Larger buttons are available to resolve conflicts for the displayed documents.

Table 2. Conflicted Documents Toolbar
Option Name and Description

Delete Document icon

Delete Left/Right Document

Click this button to delete the left or right document from the Extraction Set.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F9 to delete the left document. You can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F10 to delete the right document.

Delete Both Documents icon

Delete Both Documents

Click this button to delete both the left and the right document from the Extraction Set.

Delete Conflicting Field Data icon

Delete Left/Right Conflicting Field Data

Click this button to delete the field data from the left or right training document.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F9 to delete field data from the left. You can use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F10 to delete the field data from the right document.

Delete Conflicting Data from Both Documents icon

Delete Conflicting Data from Both Documents

Click this button to delete the field data from both the left and right training document.

Previous Page icon

Previous Page

Navigates to the previous page in the current document.

Next Page icon

Next Page

Navigates to the next page in the current document.

You can check the conflict by comparing the pages in the Resolve Conflicts Window.

Use the mouse in pan-mode by clicking the mouse while holding the Shift key to move the image. Hold down Ctrl and turn the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the views.

Note The Synchronize Zoom feature is enabled by default. This enables you to zoom and pan in both documents so the positions are synchronized.

By default, the conflicting fields are displayed on both pages and are highlighted red. When activating the Show All Fields feature in the toolbar, all extracted fields are displayed as follows:

  • The field with a conflict is highlighted red

  • The field that is recently resolved is highlighted blue

  • Fields with no conflicts are highlighted green

  • The field that conflicts with a field in another document later in the row is highlighted yellow

At the bottom of the window, a status bar provides the following information.

  • The number of conflicts remaining

  • The number of conflicts resolved, broken down into:

    • The number of conflicts that were corrected manually

    • The number of conflicts that were deleted

    • The number of conflicts that were corrected indirectly as a result of a manual fix

Note The information in the status bar is updated when you navigate to a different document.