Configure Microsoft SQL Server Connection Window

Use this window to configure and test Microsoft SQL Server connection strings. Add a server using the following options:

Server name

This option provides a list of all Microsoft SQL Servers on the local network.

Note The search may take a few moments, depending on the size of your network.

Use this button to update the list if a new server is added to the network.

Login Information

This group has the following options:

Choose one of the following authentication types:

  • Use Windows Authentication. This is the default value for this option.
  • Use Kofax TotalAgility Server Authentication.

User Name

Enter the user name for the Kofax TotalAgility Server account. This option is disabled when the Use Windows Authentication option is selected.


Enter the password for the User Name. This option is disabled when the Use Windows Authentication option is selected.

Note If you provide authentication credentials to configure a database connection, make allowances for all users and scripts using this connection.
Connect to a database

This group has the following option:

Database name

Select the desired database from the available list.

Important If you are unable to successfully test a Microsoft SQL Server connection, you are unable to add that database connection. This ensures you do not add a faulty database connection.
Connection String

This string shows the connection to the database and is defined by the other settings in this window. If you have specified a password, it is fully encrypted and cannot be viewed. You can edit the connection string as needed. If you change any of the options in the window, a new string is generated and overwrites any changes you made.

In addition to the common Transformation Designer buttons, the following buttons are provided:

Test Connection

This button tests the current connection string configuration.