Remote Fuzzy Database Properties Window

Use this window to select a fuzzy database that is located at a remote site. For example, you can use a remote fuzzy database for a Database Locator or for a Fuzzy Database Search in Validation. The setup and configuration of the fuzzy database at a remote site is done via the Search and Matching Server Administration and accessing the fuzzy database by configuring the following options.

Server Settings

This group has the following options:

Host name

Type the host name where the Search and Matching Server is installed. The Search and Matching Server can only be installed on a 64-bit operating system and manages the remote fuzzy databases.


If needed, change the port number that is used for communication with the Search and Matching Server. By default, the port number for a stand-alone Search and Matching Server is set to 22000 and the default port number for a Load Balancer is set to 22001. The Port value must correspond to the configured value for the server or load balancer.

Database name

Select a database from the list of available databases.

Import Options

This group has the following options:

Ignore case during import and search

If selected all search and lookup strings are changed to lower case so that the case is ignored. This option is selected by default.

Word separation characters

If fields in the database contain compound words, common characters can be specified so that each part of the compound word is searched and evaluated separately. The value for this option is set to" -," (space, hyphen, comma) by default.

For example, using the default settings, the compound word "Diagon-Alley," is treated as two words, "diagon" and "alley" that are searched and evaluated separately.

Note The separation characters must correspond to the delimiter characters that are defined for OCR.
Characters to ignore

Type a list of characters into this field to filter unwanted characters from the input record. When you want to use a field delimiter that may also be a character in the input, such as a comma (,), then you have to use quotes (") to identify the input strings. However, you probably do not want to retain those quotation marks as part of the final results.

If you define the quotes as characters to ignore, they are removed. To define a tab or space as characters to ignore, select the corresponding check box.The value for this option is set to ."'! (period, quotation mark, single quotation mark, and an exclamation point) by default.

Field Names

This group provides a preview of the first 20 lines of the referenced file according to the settings. The following content menu options are available:

Rename Field

Use this option to manually change the column title.

Field present on document

Select this option if the corresponding column has a field value that is displayed on a document. This option is selected by default.

Not present on document

Select this option if the corresponding column does not have a value that is displayed on a document. This option is cleared by default.

In addition to the common Transformation Designer buttons, the following buttons are provided:


Click the button to establish the connection to the Search and Matching Server. When the connection is established, a list of available databases is provided.

To disconnect, click the button again.


Click the button to open the Credential Settings window and to supply user credentials to connect to a remove fuzzy database if needed.


Displays the Advanced Properties window of a selected Remote Fuzzy Database in order to configure additional database hosts to optimize the resource utilization and increase reliability.