Configure ODBC Connection Window
Use this window to configure and test the supported ODBC connection strings using the following options:
- Data source name (DSN)
This option provides a list of system and user data source names (DSN) configured on the local computer. If a new DSN is added, click Refresh to update the list.
the Kofax TotalAgility 7.4.1 - Transformation Server, as well as any workstation running a User Interactive Module.The DSNs visible in this list are already present on the local computer. In order for any interaction with this database to work in a production environment, you need to add the same DSN connection on any machine running - Refresh
Use this button to update the list if a new DSN is added.
- Login Information
This group has the following options:
- User Name
Enter the user name for the ODBC account.
- Password
Enter the password for the above User Name.
- Connection String
This string shows the connection to the database and is defined by the other settings in this window. If you have specified a password, it is fully encrypted and cannot be viewed. You can edit the connection string as needed. If you change any of the options in the window, a new string is generated and overwrites any changes you made.
In addition to the common Transformation Designer buttons, the following buttons are provided:
- Test Connection
This button tests the current connection string configuration.