Known issues

The following sections describe known problems, and if available, useful workarounds for Kofax Transformation Modules 7.1.0.




Outdated Technical Specifications document.

The Technical Specifications document that is included in the KofaxTransformationModulesDocumentation_7.1.0_zip file is outdated. Please disregard this document and use the following Technical Specification document only.

Kofax Transformation Modules Technical Specifications


An unauthorized 401.1 error is encountered when accessing the Thin Client Server in Mozilla Firefox.

Workaround: Refresh the browser.


Session is not logged out properly when the timeout difference is same or less than 1.5 minutes.

The session timeout message is not displayed correctly and the session is not logged out properly when the following criteria are met.

  • In the web.config file, the websocket time and session timeout have the same value.
  • In the web.config file, the difference between the websocket time and the session timeout are less than two minutes.


When documents are copied via drag & drop, an error can occur when the project is trained or when the documents are sorted on disk.

Workaround: When presented with this error, press the Ignore or the Ignore All button. Doing so repairs the defective documents.