Project Builder

The following issues have been resolved in Project Builder.





When trying to setup anchors in Project Builder an exception error is returned.

An exception error is no longer encountered when setting up anchors.


Bar code Locator (BCL) intermittently crashes in Project Builder during development.

The Bar code locator no longer causes Project Builder to crash.


Properties of Advanced Zone Locator configuration missing the Registration check box.

The Registration checkbox is now displayed as expected.


Fuzzy database lookup button hides columns if they were not selected for searching.

A new option in the Database Lookup Button Properties - Fuzzy Databases settings called Show All Columns is available.

When selected, all database columns are displayed in the Database Lookup window in Validation or Thin Client Validation, even if they are not selected and included in the fuzzy search.

This setting is set to FALSE by default.


New Project window - Import training set from disk feature not working.

It is possible to successfully import a training set via the New Project window.


Edit Training Document window causes errors.

The Edit Training Document window is displayed as expected each time the window opens.


Advanced Zone Locator with zone without cleanup profiles crashes when settings window opened.

An error is not encountered if an Advanced Zone Locator does not include a cleanup profile


Advanced Zone Locator import fails if a zone OCR profile was used and this profile does not exist in project.

If an OCR zone profile that is part of an imported Advanced Zone Locator does not exist in the project, the configured fallback zone profile is used instead.


Bar code Locator - Bar code types supported by Autodetect are not cleared automatically when Autodetect is cleared.

When the Autodetect setting is cleared, all of the bar code types that were automatically selected as part of that setting, are cleared.


Project Builder crashes if InsertPages is used a lot (on more than 400 documents) in script.

Due to memory improvements, Project Builder no longer crashes when InsertPages is used a lot.


Error message when using encrypted file as sample for Table Locator.

Since encrypted files cannot be used as samples for a Table Locator, an appropriate error message is displayed.


Test Validation throws exception when starting with a document that does not belong to the project.

If a document that is not part of the project is encountered, an error message indicating that it was not extracted with the project is displayed and the document is unclassified.


OCR substitution - Deletion of all OCR substitution values is not being honored.

It is now possible to permanently delete OCR substitution values.