Rich client user modules

The following issues have been resolved in the rich client user modules.





Document Review hotkeys function differently than in previous versions.

The last selected value is now retained whenever a hot key is pressed.


Duplicate value in classification drop-down menu in Document Review module.

Class filtering has been improved so that the classification drop-down list contains one entry per class names only.


Filtering batches in Open Batch window fails on Priority level.

The priority levels displayed on the Open Batch window now behave as expected for the Validation module.


Classification list is blank with use of hotkey.

The last selected value is now retained whenever a hot key is pressed.


DBlookup fuzzy database by script is not working anymore.

Using a fuzzy database for scripted database lookups works as expected.


Document Review class list behavior ha changed.

When filtering the list of classes in the Document Review Class List combo box, the entered text filters the list in two ways:

  1. First, any classes that start with the filtered text appears in alphabetical order in the filtered list.

  2. Next, any classes that contain the filtered text anywhere in their name are displayed at the bottom of the list, also in alphabetical order.

For example, if you have 5 classes called Invoices, Purchase Orders, Service Orders, Order Forms, and Accounting Orders, and you type "order" in the Class List the results are as follows:

  • Order form

  • Accounting Orders

  • Purchase Orders

  • Service Orders


Document is not shown in Validation when a field is not enabled or disabled.

When looking for the next focus field, disabled fields are skipped.


Document Review caches last keyboard entered document class.

The last keyboard entered document class is no longer cached in Document Review.



Validation steps 2 and later do not take correct rejection notes from ACNotes.xml file.

Kofax Transformation Modules 6.4 does not use custom rejection notes from ACNotes.xml as described in online help

Rejections notes from the ACNotes.xml are correctly displayed in all Validation steps.


Confirmation window to save the data in Validation is shown only on first time but not afterwards.

Users are prompted to save data in Validation whenever closing, suspending, or when finished validating a document.


Language rejection note with special characters are not working (example in documentation is not working).

Language rejection notes now behave as expected. Any issues are logged in the error log.


Read-only table columns incorrectly handled by the lasso tool.

The lasso tool correctly handles read-only table columns.