Thin Client Server

The following issues have been resolved in the Thin Client Server.





Thin Client Validation shows errors on activating Filters in Batch Open window.

Errors are no longer encountered when activating filters in the Batch Open window.


Increasing the table size by adding new rows does not move down the other fields or does not show a scrollbar.

When adding new rows to a table, a scrollbar is displayed when the number of rows is greater than the table size.


Thin Client Validation Newtonsoft.Json vulnerability.

The Newtonsoft.Json.dll package is now version 13.0.2 and does not have this vulnerability.


Batch Filter 'Same Date As' does return wrong results if client is in an earlier time zone.

When the Same Date As batch filter setting is selected, the date is first converted to the time zone of the client before formatting is applied.

This ensures that the date used for formatting matches the date used by the client.


ValidationForm_BeforeComboBoxDropDown is not thrown anymore when combobox is entered.

If a combo box is populated via the BeforeComboBoxDropDown procedure in script, then combo box items are updated as expected, whenever selected or focused.


Thin Client Validation - move page order does not work.

It is possible to successfully move pages in Thin Client Validation using drag-and-drop.


Table fields are not shown at the expected location when the index fields are part of a group.

The order of the fields is retained when the Use defined form layout setting is selected.


Application.UILanguage property is empty in Thin Client Validation.

The Application.UILanguage property is correctly populated for projects configured to work for multiple languages.


Cell highlighting does not work properly for invisible columns.

Cell highlighting now works as expected when editing a table, even when there are invisible columns.


Thin Client Server retains old image while validating with slow network connections.

Improvements to document loading mean slow network connections are less likely to cause problems in Thin Client Validation.


Use As Display Field in the Synchronization Tool issue in Thin Client Validation.

Display field names are updated for all of the documents in Thin Client Validation.


Folder tab is not shown in Thin Client Validation.

The Folder tab is displayed as expected in Thin Client Validation.


Security: Sticky note content script is executed.

Sticky Note text is now encrypted so no scripts are executed as part of a Sticky Note.


Navigating to table having hidden columns and columnIndex of invalid cell is higher than visible column count is forcing logout.

Navigation in tables correctly accounts for hidden columns. As a result, users are no longer logged out when a hidden column is encountered.


Deleting all documents in a batch prevents the batch from closing successfully.

It is possible to close a batch after deleting all documents in that batch.


Default buffer size too small for getting batch field values if there are lot of batches with long batch field values.

The maxBufferSize and maxRecievedMessageSize values are now set to 10000000.


Thin Client Server retains old image while validating.

The image is updated successfully as you navigate through a document during validation.


Image is not updated when validating last field in a document and moving to next document.

Images are successfully updated when the last field in a document is validated before moving to the next document.


Pop-up or right-click menus are not available in Thin Client text boxes anymore.

All menus are available in Thin Client text boxes.


Default Area->Page is not working in Thin Client Validation.

The Default Area -> Page setting for an Advanced Zone Locator work for both fields and folder fields.


Unable to force validate fields with validation rules in Thin Client Server.

Forcing fields valid with script is fully supported.