Tools and runtime modules

The following issues have resolved in other tools and modules.




1924066 / 1929712

Project Merge Tool cannot merge project files with one or more Advanced Zone Locators.

It is possible to use the Project Merge Tool to merge projects that contain recognition profiles with fallback profiles.


Server 0x80010105 (26581751) crashes at Recognition/Mixed Print.

A crash longer occurs when using mixed print recognition, while detecting zone boxes for hand print.


XValues are lost after Server1 when running it for classification only.

XValues are no longer lost when using multiple instances of Server.

If two Server instances (Server1 and Server2) are used for a project and one instance performs classification and the other performs extraction, then the following script sample shows how to copy the XValues so they are available in KTM Server2.

The following script sample calls a function from the project script for the Document_AfterClassifyand Document_BeforeExtract methods.

Public Sub CaptureFieldsToKTMFields(pXDoc As CscXDocument)
   If Project.ScriptExecutionMode= CscScriptExecutionMode.CscScriptModeServer Then
      Dim lCount As Long
      For lCount = 0 To pXDoc.Fields.Count - 1
         Dim Key As String
         Key = "AC_FIELD_" & pXDoc.Fields.ItemByIndex(lCount).Name
         If pXDoc.XValues.ItemExists(Key) Then
            pXDoc.Fields.ItemByIndex(lCount).Text = pXDoc.XValues.ItemByName(Key).Value
         End If
   End If
End Sub


Server writes logs to different log files KTM_Server_yyyy_mm_dd.txt and KTM_Server_yyyy_mm_dd.txtyyyy_mm_dd.txt.

Each module process now logs to its own log file.