Log in to Kapplets

Log in to Kapplets through the Management Console.

  • Open Kapplets and click Log in with Management Console. You will be redirected to the Management Console login page. Enter your credentials and click Log in. Then, you will be automatically redirected back and logged in to Kapplets.

  • If you are already logged in to the Management Console, once you open Kapplets and click Log in with Management Console, you are automatically logged in to Kapplets.

The Kapplets security model is role-based. See Users and User Groups for more information. Administrators manage user and group access.

  1. If you have not already done so, create users and groups in Management Console. Add users to groups and assign proper privileges. See Users & groups for details.
  2. Log in to Kapplets as the superuser (default: name - admin, password - admin) through the Management Console and switch to theUser groups page.
  3. Create groups with exactly the same names as the groups in Management Console by clicking the Create new group button. Assign privileges to each of the groups you created.

    Users and their groups are synchronized with Kapplets when they log in. If you have not created groups in Kapplets, but want to grant access to Kapplets to some users, ask the users to log in to Kapplets first. When new users log in to Kapplets, access is denied, however, new user accounts are created in Kapplets. From these user accounts, an administrator can assign appropriate rights to users, and the users can then log in to Kapplets.