Add a single robot
The wizard for adding a single robot contains one to four steps, depending on the robot you select.
- In the Select robot step, specify a display name and select a robot in the drop-down list.
If all snippets and types used by the robot are already uploaded, and the robot does not have any input variables,
Next and then click
Ensure that all snippets and/or type files associated with this robot are present in the Management Console repository. If not, make sure you upload them now.
In robots added to schedules, only default values of input types are uploaded. Any changes to default type values in variables made in Design Studio can be used only in Design Studio. Check the values of variable types and change if needed when uploading robots to schedules.
- Configure the robot input used when it runs as part of this schedule.
If an attribute is of a binary, image, PDF, or Excel type, you can use the drop-down list to select a resource that is
already uploaded, or click
Upload to upload one.
If an attribute is required, it is marked red.
Complete all required fields and click
Additionally, you can perform the following actions on jobs from the
context menu:
- Create copy: Creates a copy of the existing job.
- Edit: Edits the job.
- Deactivate/Activate: Turns off/turns on the job.
To rearrange the execution order of robots, you can drag them to the new position within the order.
To delete a job, select it in the table and click the
bin icon in the upper left corner.