Configure Basic Engine Robots
A robot is configured using the properties described below. The
Robot Configuration window appears when you click
Configure Robot ( for Default browser engine or
for Classic browser engine) on the toolbar, or press Ctrl+R. You can also select
Configure Robot from the
File menu.
Basic Tab
- Default Options
Configure the default options for the steps of the robot. See Default Options in Basic Engine Robot Configuration for more information.
- Robot Comment
Enter a comment about a robot.
- Robot Thumbnail
- Add an image for a robot.
- Click
Load and go to the folder where the required file is located. The preferred
image type is PNG. When you upload an image, it is automatically scaled to 20x20 pixels. Open the file, click
OK, and save the robot.
If you try to upload a file of different type, an error message appears.
To delete an icon, open the Robot Configuration window and double-click the asterisk near the robot icon. The robot icon is now set as the default, and the preview window contains "No image" text. Click OK and save the robot.
- Robot Tags
- Create one or more tags for a robot. The tags are displayed in the Tags column on the Repository > Robots page in Management Console. You can use the tags to filter the list of robots in the Management Console. Tags can contain letters, numbers, and underscore. You can use 255 characters in tags. If you type more than that number, only the first 255 of them are saved. If you enter two identical tags, a red warning icon appears.
- Human Processing Time
This option helps you specify the time in minutes required for a person to perform the same task that the selected robot performs during its run. The difference between the specified value and the actual robot run time is displayed in the "Manual processing time saved" table of the Overview report in Kofax Analytics for RPA.
Advanced Tab
- HTTP Client (Classic browser only)
The client used to make HTTP requests to remote sites.
- NTLM Authentication (Classic browser only)
Authentication type
Kofax RPA has built-in support for the NTLM authentication scheme over HTTP (both for proxies and target systems).
For Classic browser robots, in case Kofax RPA cannot authenticate with your system, an alternative NTLM authentication engine named JCIFS is available. To use JCIFS, download the JCIFS library version 1.3.16 JAR file from and place it in the lib folder of your Kofax RPA installation directory and select "JCIFS" as the NTLM authentication to use in the configuration of the robot.
- Default Waiting (Default browser only)
- Specifies the default wait criteria for the robot. For information about wait criteria and its options, see Use Wait Criteria.
- Enable Private HTTP Cache
Select this option to enable private HTTP caching. Pages received from a server marked with Cache-Control: private contain information specific to a particular client and are not stored in the global HTTP cache. To never cache such pages you should disable this option. To store such pages in a robot specific cache you should enable this option. The downside to enabling private HTTP caching is using more memory per robot. If you are running a large amount of robots on the same server, you can disable this option to decrease their memory footprint.
- Private HTTP Cache Size
This property specifies the maximum amount of memory to use for the private HTTP cache. The size is specified in kilobytes. You should beware of setting this number high because each and every robot instance running could potentially use this amount of memory in addition to its other state. All pages stored in the HTTP cache are compressed, so simple pages with text content will require very little memory. Also note, that only pages with Cache-Control: private or similiar will ever be stored in the private HTTP cache. Pages marked for non-private caching will go into the global HTTP cache shared by all robots.
Proxy Server
- Use Proxy Server
This option has no effect on the Robot
proxy settings. To specify proxy settings for a Robot, see Configure proxy. To specify global proxy settings, see Proxy Servers.
Design Mode
Select the Design Mode Execution for your robot that use the Default (WebKit) browser engine. Available options are:
Minimal Execution (Direct)
Smart Re-execution (Full)
The Avoid External Re-execution option, which is available for Smart Re-execution, ensures that steps are never re-executed, even when the cached result of the previous execution cannot be used. This option should only be used when there are requirements from the interaction with the external world to avoid re-execution, for example if this would result in incorrect or duplicate data in a partner's system.
Shows the version of the saved robot and the version of the Design Studio the robot was last edited in.