Log view

This section is available for users with the following roles: Administrator, Viewer, Project Administrator, and Developer.

The "Log view" menu contains logs created by Management Console and by the database logging of RoboServers. Both Management Console logs and RoboServers logs are written to the logging database, thus requiring a logging database to be set up in the Management Console settings and the database logging to be enabled on RoboServers with the logging cluster settings.

The Schedule runs and Schedule messages are Management Console logs that report information on schedules. The remaining logs, Robot runs, Robot messages, Robot summary, RoboServer messages, DAS messages, and Task messages are RoboServer logs containing information on the status of RoboServers and on robots and robot runs.

All runs and messages are logged in accordance with the unified time zone, so the time zones set in Management Console, Desktop Automation Service, and RoboServer are not taken into account.

The page layout for each log is identical, but you can change the way the information for each log is presented as follows:

  • Filter the lists of messages in the table by applying filters in the Filter text field. When you click the filter icon, the "Column filters" dialog box appears with a number of filters.

    For example, depending on the log type, you can filter by existing projects and orphan projects, filter by a time frame, total execution time, execution result, severity of error messages, and so on.

    Also, see Filtering.

    The display format of the date in "Log view" filters depends on the language that the Management Console is set to. When set to English, the browser language settings are used to determine the dialect of English. For example, if "English (United Kingdom)" appears at the top of the languages list, the date in the filter will be formatted according to the British English standard date format. If no preference is found in the browser settings, English (United States) is used by default.

  • Select the table columns to display for a log using the menu icon on the right.
  • Refresh the displayed information by clicking the refresh icon on the right.
  • Reset the custom column settings by clicking the reset icon on the right.
  • Select the number of items to display per page and navigate among pages by using the navigation menu in the bottom right corner. If there are more results than the number selected per page, you can navigate to the next page using the controls under the data grid.

You can set up the retention policy for your logs in the RoboServer log database by specifying a number of days to keep the logs and a number of messages in the robot run. The logs are cleaned on a daily basis by deleting the oldest messages first. The default values are 10 days and 500 messages.

Schedule runs

Displays execution information for each schedule that executes, such as when the schedule started and when it finished.

Use the context menu to navigate to the individual schedule message, or to the robots that were executed as part of this schedule run.

You can delete a schedule run using the context menu. When deleting, you always have to delete the messages, but you can keep the run information if you need. You can delete this run and messages, or all runs or messages matching the current filter. Deleting many runs or messages might take some time.

Schedule messages

Displays individual message entries for a given schedule run. It gives you the ability to see detailed information about why a schedule failed to run.

To find robot errors for a given schedule run, select View robots with errors from the context menu.

You can delete one or more records. When deleting, you can select to delete only this message, all messages matching the current filter, or all RoboServer log messages (due to performance, the option to delete message matching a filter is disabled if there are more than 500 matching results).

When selecting a value in the Severity filter, note that the result will be greater or equal to the selected value. For example, if you set the Severity filter to "Warning," the result will also contain errors and fatal errors, apart from warnings.

Robot runs

Displays information for each robot run. The context menu also enables you to view all runs for the same robot, or view the input this robot was given when this run was executed.

You can delete a run and messages. When deleting, you always have to delete the messages, but you can keep the run information if you like. You can delete this run and messages, or all runs or messages matching the current filter. Deleting many runs or messages might take some time.

Robot messages

Displays individual error messages belonging to a robot run. Using the context menu, you can navigate to the run this message belongs to, or open the robot in Design Studio and locate the step that caused the error.

Alternatively, you can copy the step location code from the Location code column and use it in Design Studio to go directly to the step that caused the error:

  • For Robots, click on the toolbar.

  • For Basic Engine Robots, on the Edit menu, click Go to > Go to Location.

    Ensure that the Log as Error option is enabled for all steps that you need to log errors for. In Design Studio, in the step properties, on the Error Handling tab, verify that Log as Error is selected.

    If you are using the RQL API and you want step errors to be returned over the API and logged in the Management Console, ensure that the API Exception option on the Error Handling tab is also selected.

    By the default, both options are selected.

When selecting a value in the Severity filter, note that the result will be greater or equal to the selected value. For example, if you set the Severity filter to "Warning," the result will also contain errors and fatal errors, apart from warnings.

Robot summary

This is a simple summary view of all robots ever run (for as long as data is available). Using the context menu, you can navigate to all runs for the given robot.

RoboServer messages

Displays general messages from RoboServer or Management Console.

You can delete one or more records. When deleting, you can select to delete only this message, all messages matching the current filter, or all RoboServer log messages (due to performance, the option to delete message matching a filter is disabled if there are more than 500 matching results).

When selecting a value in the Severity filter, note that the result will be greater or equal to the selected value. For example, if you set the Severity filter to "Warning," the result will also contain errors and fatal errors, apart from warnings.

DAS messages
Displays events received from Desktop Automation Service. See Logging for Desktop Automation Service for more information.

When selecting a value in the Severity filter, note that the result will be greater or equal to the selected value. For example, if you set the Severity filter to "Warning," the result will also contain errors and fatal errors, apart from warnings.

Task messages
Displays individual messages informing of the state of the queuing tasks. The following message types can be shown for a task: queuing, running, completed, timed out, and removed. All of the messages are supported by a description that appears in the Details column.

The task is timed out if it did not get the resource it required, such as Desktop Automation Service, license units, or RoboServer execution slots. The task is removed if the schedule or the respective task in the "Task view" was stopped, if the RoboServer was stopped, or if the Management Console went offline.

See Queuing of schedule jobs for more information.