
This section is available for users with the following roles: Administrator, Viewer, Project Administrator, Developer, and Kapplets Service User.

This section contains the OAuth applications and users that are authenticated using Management Console. The user credentials can be used as input for robots in a schedule, allowing them to access APIs on behalf of the authenticated user without having access to the user name and password.

See the OAuth section for more information on how to create and manage robots that access APIs that are protected by OAuth.

The OAuth section contains two tabs: Applications and Users.

At the top of the OAuth section, in the Projects drop-down list, you can select the project with OAuth applications to display.

You can change the way the information for each application or user is presented as follows:

  • Select the table columns to display using the menu icon on the right.
  • Refresh the displayed information by clicking the refresh icon on the right.
  • Reset the custom column settings by clicking the reset icon on the right.
  • Select the number of items to display per page and navigate among pages by using the navigation menu in the bottom right corner.


By default, the following information is displayed for each application.




Name of the application.

Service provider

Provider of the web service.

Project name

Name of the project the application belongs to (useful when viewing all projects).

Modified by

User name of the user who last modified the application.

Commit message

Summary describing the commit.

Revision number

Number of the application revision.


By default, the following information is displayed for each user.




Name of the user.


Application the user belongs to.

Once you add an OAuth application, you can use all OAuth application information by specifying the OAuth application and user name when launching a robot using schedules in the Management Console or a REST request