Group statistics

This topic describes the contents of the Business group > Group statistics tab in your Partner user account.

The Group statistics tab contains the aggregated statistics about your Partner user account. It consists of the following sections:

Prepaid invoice limit

Here you can see your prepaid invoice limit per the specified time period (month or year) and the number of sent and received invoices in the form of a pie chart.

Package use

Here you can see the percentage of sent and received invoices from the prepaid invoice limit per the specified time period (month or year).

This option is available if the Partner user has limited contract.

Detailed report for group

Here you can specify a time period and request a detailed report with sent and received invoices statistics for all members of your business group in XLSX format.

How to recalculate statistics

The statistics updates automatically once every 24 hours. If you want to refresh the currently displayed statistics, click the Recalculate statistics button below the pie chart.

The statistics is not recalculated if you add or remove members.

Increase the prepaid invoice limit

If you are allowed to increase the prepaid invoice limit of this Partner user, click the Increase the prepaid invoice limit button to increase it by 25%. If you are not allowed to increase the prepaid invoice limit, click the Increase the prepaid invoice limit button to send an email with a request to system administrators.

This option is available if the Partner user has limited contract.