List of supported e-invoice formats

The following table lists and describes public e-invoice formats supported by Invoice Portal. Apart from that, a large number of customer-specific formats is implemented. You can request a quote for the implementation of your custom format from Customer Services.

In this table, the following terms are used:

  • Inbound (source) invoice format: The format in which an invoice is sent by a supplier and received by Invoice Portal before transferring to the recipient (customer).

  • Outbound (target) invoice format: The format in which an invoice is sent from Invoice Portal to the recipient.

  • Both ways: Used both as a target and a source format.

    Invoice Portal converts the sender format to the recipient format using the internal Esxml2 format.

Format Description
BGC Invoice Inbound only.
E2B 1.6 Both ways.
Esxml2 Both ways. This is an internal format, also used externally by some customers.
Factur-X Inbound only.
Finvoice 3 Both ways.
OIOUBL Both ways.
OIOXML Inbound only.
PEPPOL3 Both ways.
Pyramid Inbound only.
Svefaktura Both ways. Several variants are available, including customer-specific.
TEAPPS 3 Both ways.
xRechnung Outbound only.
ZugFERD Inbound only.

For more information, see the "Supported e-invoice formats" chapter in the Kofax Invoice Portal Features Guide.