Get started

To start working with Kofax Invoice Portal, complete configuring your member settings.

Also, follow this procedure to set up all user accounts within your organization (member.)

  1. On the welcome page, in the Ready to get started section, click OK.
  2. Click Go to the Member account settings.

    Kofax Invoice Portal redirects you to Settings > Member account.

  3. In the Use Invoice Portal section, specify whether to use Kofax Invoice Portal for sending or receiving invoices, or both.

    Also, you can select to become a participant of the Peppol network and to share the user information in Peppol.

  4. In Party identifiers, add your identifying information.

    If your organization has more that one type of identifiers, we recommend that you add them.

  5. In Tax certificates, specify your registered office and whether you have a tax certificate, or remove a tax certificate.
  6. In Invites and reminders, specify the following information for sending invites and reminders to suppliers or customers:
    • Sending company email address

    • Default reply deadline

    • Whether to send automatic reminders to non-responders

  7. In Logotype, upload a logo to be displayed on your printed invites and reminders, as well as PDF and printed invoices.
  8. In Estimated savings, change how estimated savings are calculated.
  9. If you use an API connection to the Kofax Invoice Portal, in Member API keys, generate an API key.
  10. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

    The member information is updated.

For more information about your member settings, see Member account.