
You can send invitations by email (free) or postal mail (only available in Sweden at extra charge).

Some customers cannot be invited until you confirm their match. Also, customers need to have either an email or a postal address. If they do not, you will not be able to invite them. Tungsten e-Invoice Connect informs you when you need to add missing contact information.

To invite customers, complete the following steps.

  1. On the Summary page, click Ready to be invited.
  2. Edit the invitation text by clicking the Invitation text button.
  3. Select the check box next to the customer ID to invite the customer.

    To select all customers, click All on the Select drop-down menu.

    To search for a specific customer, type the search criteria in the text box.

  4. Specify whether to send the invitations by email or postal mail when both options are available.

    The Send by column indicates how a customer can be invited: (mail), (email), or either if both options are available to the customer.

    • To invite customers by email, specify the deadline and click Send email.

    • To invite customers by postal mail (only available in Sweden at extra charge), specify the deadline and click Send mail.

  5. Select Auto reminder to automatically remind customers that are not responding to your invitation.
Tungsten e-Invoice Connect sends a confirmation email to you. It provides a summary of how many customers were invited and other information. The customers you invited are now removed from the "Ready to be invited" list.