Confirm a Training Document

After you have added a document to either the Classification Set or the Extraction Set, it needs to be confirmed before it is included when the project is trained.

Tip Ensure that you turn off any filters to see all unconfirmed documents.

An unconfirmed document is shown using the Unconfirmed icon Unconfirmed Document icon and a confirmed document is shown with the Confirmed icon Confirmed Document icon. This is because many organizations want to be able to review the documents marked for training in one form or another to ensure that they are suitable for training. Once the document is confirmed, you can retrain your project and the newly confirmed document is trained. You can review and confirm a training document by following these steps:

  1. Open the Documents window if it is not already open.
  2. Select one of the following training sets that contain the unconfirmed training documents.
    • Classification Set

    • Extraction Set

    The selected training document set expands to show its document subsets.

  3. Click on the document subset that contains the unconfirmed training documents.

    A list of documents is displayed. If there are any unconfirmed documents, there is an Unconfirmed icon in the Confirm column.

  4. Click on the Unconfirmed Icon.

    The icon in the Confirmed column changes to Confirmed and the document is now included when you train your project.

  5. Optionally, train your project.